Chapter 615 Borrowing Money
At this time, Fan Xiaoxing, who had been silent all this time, said: "Xinyan, it's better to see it with your own eyes. You know people, you don't know your heart, don't be fooled by her."

Xinyan understands that climbing Xiaoxing is for her own good: "You are right, thank you for reminding me."

In fact, Xinyan knew that Zhao Xiaoxue probably wasn't lying. He had met Zhao Xiaoxue's cousin when she was staying at [-] for a few days before, and felt that she had some physical problems.

It's just that Zhao Xiaoxue also said at the time that her cousin came to the capital to see a doctor, so she didn't mind her own business.

In addition, Zhao Xiaoxue's expression just now couldn't be fake, but he couldn't refute Fan Xiaoxing's kindness either.

Zhao Xiaoxue was really anxious. Actually, she and her cousin Liu Rufang didn't have a good relationship, but the doctor of her illness said that if she missed this operation, the consequences would be disastrous.

No matter what, she can't just watch, no matter what the result will be in the future, at least she has tried her best to help, so that she can be open-minded in the future.

She also knew that her behavior today was indeed a bit excessive, and even a little moral kidnapping as Han Xinyan said, but she couldn't help it. Most of the people in the dormitory lived on the school's monthly subsidy.

Among the people I know, there is no one who can come up with so much money at once. In addition, time waits for no one. If the money cannot be paid in the afternoon, tomorrow's operation cannot be arranged smoothly in advance. She can only be cheeky. Go stop someone.

As soon as Xinyan walked out of the classroom at noon, she saw Zhao Xiaoxue standing outside.

Seeing Zhao Xiaoxue like this, on the contrary, he has a better impression than before: "Then you come with me."

Along the way, Zhao Xiaoxue wanted to speak several times, but seeing that Xinyan had no intention of speaking, she also stopped.

When approaching the entrance of the alley, Xinyan didn't let her follow her home, she didn't want others to know where she lived: "You wait for me here for a while, I'll come out right away."

Zhao Xiaoxue naturally understood: "Okay, I'm sorry."

When Xinyan went back, she saw Grandma Zhang filling out the soup. After putting down the bag, she said, "Grandma, put the soup there. I'll bring it inside when I come back."

Grandma Zhang watched her go out: "You just came back, why are you going out again?"

Xinyan raised the envelope containing the money in her hand: "Send some things to my classmates, and I'll be right back."

Grandma Zhang saw her trotting out of the gate: "Come back soon, or the food will be cold."

Xinyan ran far away, and did not forget to answer.

When Zhao Xiaoxue saw Xinyan come out, her eyes were red with emotion.

In fact, before she borrowed money from Xinyan, she had already borrowed it in her own dormitory. Except for two classmates who had a good relationship with her who lent her three yuan each, everyone else made excuses and refused.

She was really anxious, and she had no other choice, so she ran to [-] cheekily.

As Xinyan said, he wanted to kidnap her morally, so she had to lend her money.

But now, Xinyan really lent her money, and she felt that she was really going too far.

Xinyan handed over the envelope: "Where's the IOU?"

Zhao Xiaoxue took out a pen and paper from her messenger bag, and quickly wrote an IOU to Xinyan: "Han Xinyan, thank you, I will definitely find a way to return this money to you as soon as possible."

Xinyan read the IOU, and there was no problem, so she handed over the money: "You count it."

Zhao Xiaoxue confirmed the amount of money in the envelope: "That's right, one hundred yuan, thank you."

When Xinyan was unprepared, she bowed to Xinyan: "It's cold, I'm afraid it will snow today, you go back quickly, I'm leaving."

After speaking, he packed the envelope into his messenger bag, turned around and trotted away.

Xinyan watched her run towards the stop sign not far away, then turned around and walked back, but before entering the gate, she felt snowflakes falling on her face.

He raised his face and felt it: "It's really snowing."

Grandma Zhang just came out of the kitchen: "What are you talking about?"

Xinyan pointed to the sky: "Grandma Zhang, it's snowing."

Grandma Zhang also felt the hand holding the plate, and looked up at the sky with a smile: "It's really falling, your grandma Tong said yesterday that there was snow in the past few days on the radio."

After hearing this, Xinyan was annoyed in her heart, why did she neglect this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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