There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 653 Every space upgrade is related to good deeds

Chapter 653 Every space upgrade is related to good deeds
Jiang Peiqin glanced at the door of the dormitory: "Earlier this morning, she brought some fruit to thank the dormitory auntie and her classmates in the dormitory."

It's just that Jiang Peiqin didn't wait for Xinyan's sympathetic hatred, just heard Xinyan laugh directly, and deliberately teased her: "You haven't received the thank you gift from others, are you in a hurry?"

Jiang Peiqin naturally knew that Xinyan was joking, but she still reached out to cover her mouth: "I'm so angry, you can still laugh."

Xinyan stopped laughing: "It's not worth getting angry with a narrow-minded person like her, besides, why bother with her if you want to eat anything?

So many people saw the matter of sending her to the hospital. If she did this, others would only say that she was incapable of being a human being.

Besides, we didn't help out because of her thanks. People like her will only make the road narrower and narrower. "

At this time, Jiang Peiqin happened to see Gu Yingying downstairs through the window, and nudged Xinyan with her elbow, motioning her to look down.

Xinyan looked down, just in time to see Gu Yingying holding a letter, dancing there happily.

After the two looked at each other, they both shrugged, expressing their incomprehension.

Upstairs, Gu Yingying was very happy to receive the letter from abroad. As long as her aunt and the others returned to China, her family's conditions would be improved, so she was naturally very happy.

When my parents returned to China, they had some money on hand, but they bought a house and arranged for the children in the family to go to school. When they settled down, they had almost enough money to spend.

She has always had a good relationship with the noble wife from the direct branch, so when she entered the school, she wrote a letter to her.

In fact, she didn't have much hope, but she didn't expect to receive a reply today.

He learned from his sister-in-law that his aunt is going to bring his grandpa and grandma back to China after the next year, which is really great.

Seeing her action of kissing the envelope, Xinyan whispered to Jiang Peiqin, "Stay away from her in the future, so as not to cause trouble."

Jiang Peiqin nodded slightly: "I think so too."

Looking back, I packed up my textbooks and went to the classroom. The final exam will be due in a few days. Many students have already started to sharpen their guns, so I hope they don't fail their exams.

However, these people do not include Xinyan, she has a photographic memory, and if she reads it a few more times, she will firmly remember it in her heart.

In the past few days, everyone is holding the lamps and candles, and she is also very busy.

Since that day when she discovered that the slope of the space had changed, she has been busy re-planning the space these days.

And taking advantage of the time when He Jinxuan was out of the car, he found an excuse and managed to bring those dairy goats that were fostered by He Jinxuan's friends into the space.

And also planted herbs under the trees on the slope.

And today she finally figured out why the white mist in her space retreated 300 meters.

On the way to school, she happened to run into Zheng Yuezhong who was passing by in a car, and only then did she learn from him that the old man of the Zheng family was completely discharged from the hospital and went home to recuperate.

She has already guessed that every space upgrade is related to good deeds.

I thought in my heart that I must find an opportunity to confirm my conjecture again.

On the other side, Ye Sili and Ye Siyan were complaining to Ye Liyan: "Father, when will Aunt Yan come to see us?"

Ye Liyan patted his sons' little heads helplessly: "Didn't you say you will come after the exam?"

Ye Siyan looked at it for a long time with his fingers: "How many days is that?"

Ye Liyan was amused by his son's stupid and cute appearance: "Don't think about it, when did your aunt Yan lie to you, and she promised to come to see you after she finished the exam, and she will definitely come."

These two little guys would think of Xinyan every day, which made him, a father, a little jealous.

However, he also knows that if it weren't for Xinyan, the children would not be raised so well. According to Jinxuan, if Xinyan hadn't carefully guided the two children, it might be hard to say that when he received the two children, he would be worried. more or less sick.

After all, Xinyan has given her sincerity to the two children, and it is normal for the two children to get close to her, so she can only treat the two little guys doubly well, so that the two children can feel his deep fatherly love, and open their hearts to him from then on.

(End of this chapter)

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