Chapter 661 You better not lie to me
This will change Mother Lin's bewilderment: "You damn girl, you can still laugh."

Lin Kaixin saw that his mother was really angry, so he tried his best to stop laughing: "Mom, where do you want to go?"

Mother Lin was at a loss, and when she went up, she gave her an uneasy fist again: "Then why were you staring at Ye's yard just now?"

Just now she could see clearly, her careless daughter stared at the Ye family with frighteningly bright eyes, how could she be wrong.

Lin Kaixin knew that if he didn't explain clearly, he was afraid that he would get punched for a while, so he hurriedly said, "Mom, don't guess, I just think the clothes of the two children are good, and I want to meet the Aunt Yan they are talking about. I want to see if we can cooperate.

You have also seen how many children's eyes were attracted by the two children of the Ye family when they came out. If they are mass-produced, how much money will they make? "

Mother Lin's frown finally relaxed. It seemed that she had really misunderstood her daughter, but she still warned: "You'd better not lie to me."

Lin Kaixin stepped forward and hugged his mother's shoulders: "Mom, how could I dare to lie to you, I just think that the person who can design this style of clothes will definitely be able to design other styles. If we cooperate, then our factory will not be able to fly orders."

Lin's mother saw that she had a good nose and eyes, so she let her go.

But I still reminded: "You don't want to make decisions about these things. It's best to let the leaders in the factory make the decision, so as to avoid complaining in the future."

Lin Kai smiled coquettishly and said, "Mom is the best for me."

Lin's mother raised her hand and knocked on Lin Kaixin's forehead: "It's good that you know, and you should think twice about doing things in the future. Don't do things like staring at Ye's family so brightly just now. If others see it, they don't know how to pass it on. Woolen cloth."

Lin Kaixin was perfunctory to his mother, but he was already thinking about how to talk about this matter with the Aunt Yan that Ye Siyan was talking about.

Xinyan didn't know that this dress was actually taken by others.

When Lin Kaixin calculated that they were having dinner, she absent-mindedly listened to the movement in the courtyard next door, and didn't even hear her sister-in-law calling her for dinner.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Lin family poked her mother-in-law with her elbow: "Mom, what's wrong with my little sister, why do you feel absent-minded?"

Mother Lin glanced out: "What else can I do, it's not just about the factory."

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Lin family said enviously: "Well, the higher the position, the greater the responsibility. Our family is very happy. When I go back to my child's house, people always mention her. I have a lot of face on my face."

Lin's mother was very happy when she heard the words of the eldest daughter-in-law. Of course, her own daughter is good, but even if the eldest is not young, she will not find a partner. She is really anxious to death. If I don't go home for a month, I'm really pissed off.

Lin Kaixin heard that Ye Liyan was admonishing his son: "Why are you in a hurry, go out after eating the rice in the bowl, if you don't obey, then don't even think about asking Aunt Yan to make clothes for you in the future."

Lin Kaixin heard Ye Liyan talking about Aunt Yan, and thought: What is the relationship between this woman and their family?
A slave sat there, making up several big plays in his head.

Sister-in-law Qie Caiyun came over with a bowl of rice: "Happy, what are you thinking, so focused that you can't hear it several times, eat."

She smiled and took the bowls and chopsticks from Qie Caiyun's hands: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

Qie Caiyun smiled and said, "I'm being more polite with my sister-in-law."

After speaking, he turned and went back to the kitchen.

Lin Kaixin was in a good mood and picked up the rice in the bowl, but before she finished the rice in the bowl, she heard some movement in the courtyard next door, and heard a male voice: "Okay, you don't have to touch your hands anymore. , I helped Li Yan call to the kitchen, he came to wash the dishes."

I heard Ye Liyan say again: "Cousin, why don't you say to wash it yourself."

The male voice came again: "I'm here as a guest, you are so kind as to let me wash it."

Ye Liyan answered: "If you want to wash, of course I won't stop you."

But the male voice came again: "But I don't want to wash, it's useless to provoke me, I won't be fooled by you."

Xinyan stood there with her arms folded, watching the two of them arguing while tidying up. It was really naive, but it could be seen that the relationship between the two was really good.

He couldn't help but think of Shen Ninghui, what kind of scene would it be if she was still alive.

He even thought of what He Jinxuan had said to himself before, saying that the Shen family hadn't given up on reconciling with Ye Liyan even now. Thinking about it, it was really speechless.

Why did you go early.

If they had been able to take care of the two children back then, they would not have made the two children look like frightened birds, shrinking themselves whenever there was a slight disturbance, making a child in Si Li lose his smile and spend all day with a little adult He pretended to be cold with a small face, which made people angry just thinking about it.

 Good night everyone~~~
(End of this chapter)

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