The doctor nodded: "The operation went well, and I will be sent to the ward later."

Xinyan was about to say something thankful, but the doctor said again: "If conditions permit, it's best to take her for a comprehensive examination."

When Xinyan heard this, her smiling face froze on the spot: "Doctor, did you find something?"

The doctor said, "Don't be nervous, it's just my guess."

Before Xinyan could ask further, Grandma Zhang was pushed out by the nurse, and Xinyan said to the doctor, "Doctor, I've settled down and I'll go find you."

The doctor nodded to Xinyan and left.

He Jinxuan patted Xinyan on the shoulder, comforting her silently.

Xinyan saw that Grandma Zhang was still awake: "Nurse, why hasn't my grandma woke up?"

The little nurse explained: "I will wake up soon."

After being settled in the ward, Xinyan remembered that she hadn't asked for leave, and slapped her forehead: "It's broken."

He Jinxuan looked at her like this: "What's wrong?"

Xinyan said, "I didn't ask for leave from the school."

He Jinxuan rubbed the top of her hair: "Don't worry, when I went out, I already called your classmate Jiang Peiqin and asked her to ask for leave for you."

Xinyan didn't expect He Jinxuan to be so careful, but he just said before that she doesn't need to be polite to him, and she will stop being hypocritical.

Originally, I wanted to give him a hug as a reward, but in this situation, forget it.

Seeing the nurse leave, Xinyan looked at Grandma Zhang on the bed, and said to He Jinxuan, "I'll go to the doctor."

He Jinxuan nodded: "Go, I will guard here."

Xinyan hurried to the doctor: "Doctor, I hope to tell you the truth."

The doctor was very serious: "During the examination before, I asked some questions. She said that she has always had chest tightness, shortness of breath, and occasional chest pain. It's best to pay attention to it."

Xinyan didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Doctor, you can arrange it directly. Thank you so much for today."

The doctor saw that Xinyan believed her, and told her some experience: "The specific situation can only be confirmed after an examination. It is best to be fine. If there is something wrong, it is better to find out and treat it early."

When Xinyan returned to the ward, Grandma Zhang had already woken up. Seeing her come back, she said, "Yanyan, I am causing you trouble."

Xinyan bent over and approached: "I told you before that I want to give you an old age. I can't say this again in the future. I will be unhappy."

Grandma Zhang also understood that Xinyan said that she was serious about providing for herself, so she could only try her best not to hold her child back.

Xinyan found an excuse and asked Grandma Zhang for the afternoon inspection, but she was very cooperative.

After all, she really doesn't understand, she knows that Xinyan won't harm her, so she just listen to the arrangement.

He Jinxuan found someone, and soon the film came out.

Then a series of examinations were done, and after all the results came out, the doctor called Xinyan to the office: "Fortunately, it is benign. My suggestion is to arrange surgery as soon as possible."

However, in view of Grandma Zhang's age and the fact that she just had an appendicitis operation, it's best to let the old man recover.

After discussion, the operation time was set on the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, so that if there were no special circumstances, it would be right to go home for the New Year and recuperate.

But the doctor also felt that Grandma Zhang was really lucky, because she went over to conduct a careful consultation later. According to Grandma Zhang, the tumor should have existed for a long time, and she always felt that something was wrong.

The doctor didn't think about it, but Xinyan did know it, probably because she often gave Grandma Zhang a drink of space stream water, but she definitely couldn't say that.

Good night everyone~~~

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