The man listened to the persuasion, so he stopped complaining.

It's just that as time passed, when the sky was completely dark and there was no sign of the convoy, the boss directly swears: "It's really fucking bad luck, I don't know which bastard sent the news."

At this time, someone tentatively asked: "Brother, shall we wait?"

I only heard the man continue to shout with some venting emotion: "What can we do, what if they come here at this time, wouldn't we have to miss the opportunity?"

But they didn't know that they would spend a whole day here, so they only brought a meal. Now everyone is hungry, and some of them even growl their stomachs in response to the occasion.

The person who was called 'big brother' had no choice but to comfort everyone: "Be patient, everyone. When we get things done, everyone will just wait for the delicious and spicy food."

When everyone heard this, their emotions immediately rose again.

But they waited until the moon was in the middle of the sky, and they didn't wait for the convoy. They were all hungry and lost their energy, like eggplants beaten by frost, with their heads drooping.

On the contrary, it was He Jinxuan and the others who had dinner, conducted a random inspection of the car with the lights on, and changed a few badly worn tires. Only then did the night watchman stay, and everyone else went to rest.

That night, He Jinxuan basically didn't close his eyes all night, watching the situation downstairs through the window on the second floor.

When it was getting light, just when he thought no one would move, he saw someone sneaking out of the hotel, and he hurriedly followed.

Because the sky was still gray, I couldn't see the man's face clearly, so I could only rely on guesswork.

I saw the man found a very conspicuous place, dipped the brush with the paint on his body, and was drawing something there.

He Jinxuan didn't need to look to know that the man was leaving a mark for those people, so that when those people came to see the mark, they would know that they left from here.

It's a pity that the man made a miscalculation, he left with his front feet, and the marks on his back feet were destroyed by He Jinxuan.

When He Jinxuan followed the man back to the parking place, he saw that he was carrying a special tool and wreaking havoc there. It was clear from a glance that this man wanted to delay their convoy's journey.

He Jinxuan was about to do something, when he interrupted, he found that the man had already succeeded.

The man looked around, then sneaked back to the hotel.

At this time, He Jinxuan took advantage of the faint light on the first floor of the hotel to see who that person was.

When he entered the room, He Jinxuan touched the car of the two people who were on duty at night. Seeing that they were both asleep, his face suddenly turned cold.

It was only after he opened the door and pushed it a few times that the two of them didn't wake up, only then did they realize that something was wrong. The two of them had been plotted against.

It was only then that I remembered that among the people on duty in the first half of the night, there was the person who went out just now. After thinking about it this way, I realized that they might have tampered with them when they were handing over their shifts.

Fortunately, he also made preparations. The things Xinyan gave him before took out the vial and put it under the noses of the two of them. After a while, the two of them really woke up.

When one of them saw He Jinxuan's face clearly, he was shocked: "Captain, why are you here?"

He Jinxuan put his finger to his mouth and made a 'shh' gesture.

The man suddenly became cautious, looked around, and then whispered: "Why did we fall asleep?"

He Jinxuan lowered his voice and briefly explained the matter to them, but he didn't say who the person was, because he was afraid that they wouldn't be able to control their expressions and let the person notice it.

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