After he tidied everything up, he helped Xinyan tidy up the courtyard.

It was almost time to answer the phone, and the two walked out together.

Not long after they arrived, the phone rang.

It was the uncle's wife who answered the phone. After hearing who it was, she handed the phone to Xinyan: "I'm looking for you."

Xinyan answered the phone and heard the voice on the other side: "Grandma Zhang, I miss you."

Grandma Zhang smiled all of a sudden, feeling sore in her heart: "Yanyan, I miss you too, did you get lazy sooner or later and didn't eat well?"

Xinyan said coquettishly: "I am not lazy, I have eaten well, tonight I made twice-cooked pork and garlic pork ribs, I also made lily porridge, and baked green onion pancakes, don't worry."

When Grandma Zhang heard this, she immediately guessed: "Did Jinxuan come over?"

Xinyan looked at He Jinxuan in a daze.

But He Jinxuan smiled and took the phone from Xinyan's hand: "Grandma Zhang, I'm the one who's back, don't worry, I'll take good care of her when I'm off work these days."

Grandma Zhang laughed when she heard He Jinxuan's voice: "I knew that girl was the only one, so she wouldn't cook such complicated dishes."

He Jinxuan looked at Xinyan with a smile, but asked on the phone: "Grandma Zhang, how are you doing in your hometown?"

This was Xinyan's most concerned question, so she hurried over and heard Grandma Zhang say briskly: "It's good, you don't have to worry about it, just say hello to your Grandma Tong, so she can rest assured."

He Jinxuan responded, and handed the phone to Xinyan.

Xinyan asked, "Grandma Zhang, is there something you want to call?"

When Grandma Zhang heard Xinyan's question, her mood suddenly became complicated: "Yanyan, do you have any news?"

Xinyan is such a smart person, she immediately reacted: "Don't worry, everything is fine, don't worry."

From the tone of Dad's last speech, it is not difficult to guess that the task over there should be closed soon: "We will meet again one day."

When Grandma Zhang heard Xinyan's words, her hand holding the receiver trembled: "Okay, okay, that's really great."

After calming down, Grandma Zhang realized that the call should not last too long.

Knowing that her son is safe, she felt at ease.

What did Xinyan think of: "Grandma Zhang, where did you call so late?"

Grandma Zhang replied with a smile: "The youngest son of your Grandma Su next door works in the coal mine in our town, and a building for the family members of employees has been newly built here. Your grandma Su was pulled over."

Xinyan immediately understood that the youngest son of Grandma Su's family was doing pretty well in the mine, so she couldn't blame him for calling so late.

Grandma Zhang thought of the uproarious news in the past few days, and happily shared with Xinyan about the possible land division at the end of autumn.

After that, they told each other to take good care of themselves, and then hung up the phone.

He Jinxuan pulled Xinyan and sent her back to the small courtyard. Seeing people sitting and gossiping at the entrance of the alley, although he was very reluctant to part with him, he didn't stay any longer. He stole some incense and told Xinyan to close the courtyard door. Only then did I leave.

In the suburbs of Beijing, Gu Wanqing was lying on Han Jingchen's lap, touching her face: "Jingchen, have you noticed that my face is more tender than when I just returned to China?"

Han Jingchen looked down at her affectionately: "You are in my heart, everything is beautiful."

Gu Wanqing gave him a tender look: "I'm not joking with you, be serious."

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