After school was over on Saturday, Xinyan saw that the time was still early, so she went to the phone booth and called Han Jingchen: "Dad, there is still a while before you get off work. I have to go to the store to check it out. You can pick me up there directly."

When Han Jingchen heard what his daughter said, he immediately agreed: "Okay, Dad understands."

The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

The old partner in the office, Yue Yiming, said, "Hey, did your daughter call you?"

Han Jingchen raised his hand and was about to hold a teacup when he heard this: "What is my daughter, that's my daughter. I want my daughter to go home and find a wife by herself."

Yue Yiming smiled and got up to store a glass of water for himself, and was about to say something, when he heard someone knocking on the door: "Director, someone is looking for you, they say they are old acquaintances of yours, and they have something important to see you. "

When Yue Yiming heard this, he got up and said, "I'll go there first. As for what I said earlier, let's wait for a meeting next Monday to unify the opinions before deciding."

Han Jingchen replied, "Okay."

After Yue Yiming left the office, Han Jingchen frowned, wondering who would be looking for him, but it was not good to let someone come again, so he said, "Someone come up."

Just seeing someone coming, Han Jingchen's expression turned cold: "What are you here for?"

Ji Linfeng didn't have the high-spirited look before, with a stubble all over his face: "Second brother."

Han Jingchen directly grimaced: "I can't afford to call you second brother, and don't make any more friends with me. I have a meeting to hold in a while. What can you do with me?"

Before Ji Linfeng came, he made preparations: "Xiaowen has been suffering from high fever recently. The doctor said that special medicine must be used, but I asked about the medicine, which is not available in China. I really have no other way. Please help me." , save Xiaowen."

Han Jingchen stood up: "I can't help you with this job. I'm not a drug seller, let alone none in China."

Ji Linfeng said anxiously: "I heard that Gu Wanqing is back, please help me, I know Chunli is sorry for the Han family, but Xiaowen is innocent, she is still a child."

Han Jingchen's face was ugly: "Why, you want to make trouble here, and want me to compromise under the pressure of public opinion?
Then you are afraid to plan abacus. "

Ji Linfeng originally thought so, he could actually go to his home to look for him, but he still chose to come to work to look for him, just to use public opinion to force him to agree.

After all, if he really broke out and damaged his reputation, he would definitely take care of it.

Just looking at Han Jingchen's tone, he was not sure.

Thinking that because of Qiu Chunli, their father and daughter had been separated for so many years, and the precious girl had suffered so many years in Yu's house, it was impossible for him to forgive her.

Now Ji Linfeng wants to let Wanqing buy special medicine for him through himself, what a dare to think.

Wanqing is afraid that she wants to kill them now, so how can she help them.

Ji Linfeng had a dejected look on his face: "Xiaowen is still a child, why don't you have any sympathy at all, thanks to the fact that he still misses you all the time."

Han Jingchen looked at Ji Linfeng coldly, and said with deep meaning in his eyes: "If you are ready for the cost of the special medicine, I can recommend someone for you."

When Ji Linfeng heard this, his expression suddenly turned unnatural: "I know what you want to say, but the purchasing fee those people demand is too high, and I can't afford that much money for the time being."

Han Jingchen took out the documents that will be used for the meeting later from the drawer: "If I understand correctly, you want nothing but white wolves, don't you?"

Ji Linfeng's face was very ugly, and he stammered a little: "I, I'm not, I just haven't got enough for the time being."

Han Jingchen came out from behind the desk: "If you want to make trouble, please feel free to do so. You and Qiu Chunli are really a good match, and you are equally shameless."

After finishing speaking, he strode out and said to Su Jinsong at the door: "Send people out."

It doesn't matter if he is cold-blooded or selfish, it is impossible for him to repay grievances with virtue in the matter of Ji's family, and he can only blame her for having a harmful mother.

What's more, he met an acquaintance in the hospital a few days ago, and just heard the news about Ji Xiaowen from him. Even if he uses special medicine, it is impossible to save him, which means that he will make people suffer in this world for a while That's all.

good night~~~

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