Mr. Du knew that he was too impulsive in this matter, and he was sorry for his little apprentice.

But thinking about it the other way around, although Xinyan doesn't want to take the road of practicing medicine, it's good to learn more things after all.

Of course, this is his own comfort.

Everyone knows that with Xinyan's talent of never forgetting, coupled with the teachings of her master and senior brothers and sisters, it should not be difficult for Xinyan to pass the exam and obtain a medical practice certificate.

Besides, over the past year or so, the books prepared for her by the senior brother alone are enough for her to cope with the previous exams, not to mention that Xinyan is smart, she never asks questions when she doesn't understand, and she has already mastered those books. .

I believe that as long as Xinyan puts her heart into it, and with the blessings of her master and a few senior brothers and sisters, she will be able to obtain the certificate in less than five years as a medical student.

After all, her talent in medicine was rewarded by God, and she basically learned something that others had to learn for a long time, and had to be envied and envied.

Now that this matter has been settled, Xinyan didn't get entangled anymore. After all, as everyone hoped, these things are her own after learning, and others can't take them away.

In fact, over the past year or so, she has gradually fallen in love with medicine, so even if the master did give her a problem, she didn't reject it much just now.

After dinner in the evening, everyone expressed their opinions and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Elder Du looked at Xinyan with a look of relief.

Thinking of the achievements of the little apprentice in medicine in the future, the guilt in my heart is not as strong as before.

Mr. Du was a man of action, so he came to strike while the iron was hot the next day and settled the matter.

However, after Xinyan started school, she had to make up the clinical medicine exam.

It's just such a coincidence that part of the content of the book given by the big brother was used to prepare for the freshman professional exams, so there is no problem at all.

As for cultural subjects, only a few subjects that are different from what she is learning now are enough.

After Xinyan knew this situation, she finally let go of her heart.

Thinking about these few days, it seems that I have to study in the space. After all, the time difference in the space just makes up for the lack of study time outside. Fortunately, there is space, so these problems can be solved easily.

But Xinyan didn't stay in Beijing honestly, this semester will end in one week.

She also wanted to go to the south and get some goods back from there. After all, she was planning to open a tea shop after the newly remodeled shop, and she wanted to use the space to store as much new tea as possible this year.

Yes, for the remaining two shops over there, Xinyan is not planning to rent out any more. In addition to the tea shop, she also wants to open a fabric shop with buttons, zippers, interlining and other ingredients.

Now most people still buy cloth and sew clothes by themselves, so for now, this business can be done.

Now that a new business circle has formed around that street, these businesses are bound to be indistinguishable.

She has the space to be a guarantee, and the natural cost can be lowered by a few percent compared to others, so she can make a steady profit without losing money, just do it.

She wanted to do the tea business before, so she had figured out the market and rules over there before, and this time she just accepted it in the past.

As for the fabric, she also had an idea. Last time she went south, she rescued one person. Although that person was the leader of the garment factory, he had a lot of connections.

Naturally, the leaders of those fabric factories and button factories also knew each other, so she wouldn't beg for favors, but it shouldn't be too much to use his connections to take a shortcut.

Most importantly, it saves time.

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