Xinyan then withdrew her thoughts: "That thing shouldn't be cheap, do you want to take money from me?"

After all, all the money He Jinxuan earned before was with her.

He Jinxuan said softly, "No, I should have enough money."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Xinyan: "You have no objection?"

Xinyan knew what he was thinking. Seeing that there were not many pedestrians on the road, she lightly rested her head on He Jinxuan's back: "Isn't money just earned and spent? Since you like it, it will also bring convenience to our travel in the future. Why should I object."

The most important thing is that if you really bought it, you can use it for an urgent matter.

In her previous life, Lu Juncheng treated the motorcycle as her ancestor at the beginning, and cleaned it every day whether she was riding it or not.

Later, when the motorcycle became obsolete, Lu Juncheng no longer regarded it as a treasure. She sometimes went to the suburbs to fetch spring water, and only then did she have the opportunity to learn to ride.

Hearing that Xinyan had no objection, He Jinxuan became even more excited: "When the car comes back, I will teach you how to ride it."

Xinyan gave a light 'hmm': "Okay, then I will also follow the fashion."

The two talked and laughed and went to the ceramics factory.

They went to the entrance of the ceramics factory to explain their intentions, but when they heard that it was a private order, they were a little unwilling to accept it.

It was He Jinxuan who found someone and was led in through connections.

Maybe the relationship is still strong, but the person in charge is not in trouble: "I don't know what requirements you have for the porcelain jar?"

Xinyan said her request.

After listening to the person in charge, he thought for a moment: "Well, you and I will go to the sample library to see if there is anything you like."

Xinyan nodded hurriedly, it would be best if she could have ready-made samples.

Followed the person in charge into the porcelain warehouse, looking at the various kinds of porcelain on the top, my eyes were dazzled, but I was still awake, and I didn't forget the purpose of my visit.

After seeing the blue and red porcelain jars with lids over there, he smiled and said, "Are these two kinds of porcelain jars in stock?"

The person in charge looked at the registration book at the door: "Yes, there are more than 100 red ones in stock, and the blue ones are less, only more than 30."

Xinyan picked it up and looked at it carefully: "If I customize it, can you help me make patterns and words on it?"

The person in charge nodded: "Yes."

Xinyan put down the porcelain jar in her hand, looked at the following samples, and chose six styles. After discussing with the person in charge for a long time, she finally reached a consensus.

Afterwards, the person in charge found a designer to communicate with Xinyan further. Xinyan also customized two more styles according to her own wishes, so there are six styles in total.

After negotiating the size, pattern, literature and price of the porcelain pots, and agreeing to come to see the samples next Saturday, I paid a deposit and took two of the selected samples, and then I was ready to leave.

At the beginning, they were unwilling to receive them, thinking that the volume of private orders was not large, and there were too many requests, which seemed troublesome.

But I didn't expect that Xinyan would settle so much in one breath, and her attitude could be regarded as a 180-degree turn, all the way to the factory gate: "Comrade He, Comrade Han, you go slowly."

The two stayed in the ceramics factory for a long time, and before they came out, He Jinxuan said, "Let's go to Mr. Yin's for dinner today. It's been a long time."

Xinyan was naturally also happy: "Okay, it just happens to be on the way."

The two chatted all the way, but when they arrived at Mr. Yin's small courtyard, they heard arguing in the courtyard.

He Jinxuan and Xinyan looked at each other, quickly parked the car, and went into the courtyard.

Then a woman scolded: "Mei Xueshan, are you cheap or not? She's already engaged. Is it interesting for you to pester me?"

Xin Yan followed the line of sight of the scolding person, and saw a girl with a pale face and tears rolling in her eyes, as if she couldn't get rid of them, but she looked very pitiful anyway.

The moment she looked over, the man quickly lowered her head, and Xinyan stood at an angle that could see the change of expression on her face when she lowered her head.

Yelling, it seems that this weak girl is still a playwright.

Good night, dears~~~

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