There is room for a beautiful daughter-in-law in the rebirth era

Chapter 959 Don't Waste What You've Learned

Chapter 959 Don't Waste What You've Learned

On this day, Xinyan received a call from home.

Knowing that the eldest brother will be on a mission in a few days, it may take a long time, and he is afraid that he will not be able to take care of his wife and daughter, so he is going to send them back to the old house.

The eldest sister-in-law is the daughter Han Feifei who was born at the end of September. At that time, the eldest aunt accompanied the delivery.

Originally, Gu Wanqing also wanted to go there together, but her aunt Su Aihong said that the road over there was bumpy and difficult to walk, and she was worried about Gu Wanqing's sister-in-law's health.

Gu Wanqing was also afraid that she would not be able to help if she was pregnant, and would cause trouble for everyone, so she didn't insist, she just asked her sister-in-law to bring the things she had prepared.

Originally, I thought about having a full moon wine, and everyone went there together, but the aunt said that the mother-in-law of the lobby said that the child could only choose a date for the wine after 42 days.

This day has just been chosen, and it turns out that Brother Dachang is about to go on a mission.

After a few people discussed it, it was not convenient to hold the full moon wine in the army. If the lobby brother was on a mission, it would be tiring for the sister-in-law to take care of the children alone, so they simply packed up the mother and daughter and sent them back to the old house.

In this way, it is convenient for relatives and friends to come to the door when holding the full moon wine, and the family members can also help in the future, so that the sister-in-law will not be too tired.

Xinyan held the phone: "Mom, then I won't go home after the holiday tomorrow, and go directly to my aunt to see if there is anything I can do to help."

Gu Wanqing responded: "Okay, then Yanyan will run for mom first, and your dad and I will go back to the old house tomorrow afternoon."

The mother and daughter agreed, and Xinyan returned to the courtyard.

Packed himself up, and rode to the master's side.

When Xinyan arrived, Elder Du was drinking tea in the living room. When he saw her come in, he pointed to the seat opposite: "Sit down and drink some hot tea. It just so happens that the master has something to say to you."

Xinyan could probably guess what the master was going to say, so she didn't rush to ask.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, I warmed up: "Master, please tell me."

Mr. Du put down the teacup in his hand: "Yanyan, what the master can teach you here has already been taught, and the rest has to be studied by yourself. The master believes that you will be able to outperform and outperform blue."

Xinyan stood up and bowed deeply to the master. She knew that the master had no secrets for her, and taught herself all he had learned over the years: "Master, thank you."

Elder Du stood up and helped him: "Look at you kid, what are you doing?"

Signaling Xinyan to sit down again, Elder Du sighed: "In my whole life, I have brought a total of five apprentices, except for your senior brother who has the title of director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Your second senior brother, third senior sister and fourth senior brother have all gone the way of Western medicine. It's hard to get such a gifted person like you. I still just study as a hobby."

After sighing for a while, he said with a bit of hatred that iron is not solid: "Although your brothers and sisters have followed the path of Western medicine, they have not given up on Chinese medicine, and at least they still have some reputation in the field of Chinese medicine.

The master knows that you are not interested in medicine, but the master also hopes that you will not waste what you have learned, and do not bury your medical skills. "

Xinyan nodded heavily: "Master, I know."

After the two talked, they went into the pharmacy and turned the semi-finished product made yesterday into pills. The studies at the master's place can be considered as complete.

After entering the pharmacy, he quickly completed the last procedure, and then Elder Du left the pharmacy.

Xinyan cleaned up all the pharmacies, and stayed there for a long time before coming out.

When we got to the front hall, the master was already waiting there.

Seeing Xinyan approaching, she picked up the golden needles on the table and went over: "The master gave you this set of golden needles. Although you don't want to practice medicine, you must remember that there is no limit to medicine, and there are always gaps in skills. You must be arrogant and extravagant. I hope you will make further progress."

(End of this chapter)

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