The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 103 President Li, the executive information you want

Chapter 103 President Li, the executive information you want

When Su Nian, who has adjusted his mood, comes out again.

It was found that the culprit who was about to explode was already lying on the bed.

This made Su Nian feel like a fool now.

Su Nian, who was originally emotionally curious, suddenly collapsed, and she walked towards her bed angrily.

Just went to bed.

It felt like I was sitting on something.

Su Nian reached out and took it out.

Just saw a beautifully packaged gift box.

After opening it, I saw a beautiful diamond bracelet.

When seeing the bracelet at first sight, Su Nian fell in love with it.

Su Nian looked at the bed next to her.

He saw Li Beichen with his back turned to him.

She was not a fool, and immediately understood that what Li Beichen did just now was on purpose.

Just to play with yourself.

Su Nian was less happy.

But Li Beichen, who had his back to Su Nian, raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

[This hateful guy, he didn't even thank him seriously, he insisted on stepping on me, no, this guy is a dog licking and straight guy, if the woman mainly likes this guy, then she is blind. 】

[But this diamond bracelet is really beautiful. 】

Listening to these inner voices, Li Beichen slowly closed his eyes and continued to doze off.


Su Nian felt that since she had accepted Li Beichen's things, she should take care of Li Beichen more seriously.

After all, just because Li Beichen is immoral doesn't mean she is immoral.

Every day, he was trying to find a way to increase nutrition for Li Beichen, and he showed the posture of raising Li Beichen to make him fat.

But when Su Nian passed Li Beichen's desk, he stopped in his tracks.

She picked up a document.

At this time, Li Beichen just came in from outside the room.

Seeing Su Nian's behavior, he slowed down.

[North district renovation plan, should I remind Li Beichen of this? 】

Su Nian looked at the document with a very solemn expression, completely different from his usual indifferent look.

[The person in charge of this plan will receive the favor of Lan Ni in the future, and for this reason, after the death of Li Beichen, the great injustice, he did not hesitate to give the entire North District plan to Lan Ni, and Lan Ni also took it. This will bring huge troubles to the company. 】

Li Beichen frowned suddenly.

As the executive president of the Li family, he clearly knows how important the North District plan is to the Li family.

He also knew what would happen if the entire plan fell into Huo Linyuan's hands.

[No, I can't waste time here, I have to do something, at least when Li Beichen dies this time, it will be easier for me. 】

Li Beichen lowered his voice and walked in.

Head of the North District.

He can also be regarded as his confidant for many years, and he thinks he is a trustworthy person.

Only then will the renovation plan of the entire North District be handed over to him.

Just when Su Nian was thinking about how to find more information and get more information in a limited environment.

While thinking about it, she returned to her hospital bed.

She didn't know that the person next to her had passed a message and got all the information.

Li Beichen looked to the side.

Looking at Su Nian who was full of anxiety, he couldn't help but smile.

And then Zhou Xu knocked on the door and came in: "President Li, this is the executive information you want, please have a look at it." Then he put a stack of documents on Li Beichen's desk.

Li Beichen took Su Nian's bright eyes into his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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