The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 105 There is nothing wrong with his body

Chapter 105 There is nothing wrong with his body
three days later.

Su Nian made preparations early on, yes, she was going to guard the place where Wang Ling's accident happened.

He planned to send a divine soldier from heaven when he saw something happened to Wang Ling.

But when she went out, she encountered a problem.

——Li Beichen stood in front of her.

Looking at Li Beichen in front of her, she moved to the side, but she didn't expect that Li Beichen would follow suit.

Su Nian: ...

[What's going on with this guy, is he looking for trouble! 】

"Are you planning to go out?" Li Beichen spoke first.

"Well, I have something to deal with, what's the matter?"

"I'll go with you."

Su Nian was a little surprised by these words. Looking at Li Beichen in front of her, she even wondered if she had heard it wrong.

And Li Beichen had already found a reason for himself: "The old man has repeatedly asked me to take good care of you. If there is anything wrong with you, then I have no way to explain it to the old man."

These words instantly gave Su Nian a headache, after all, she was going to stay and wait for something to happen to Wang Ling.

What would he do with such a thing.

"Bei Chen, you're not feeling well, let's forget it, I don't have any serious business." Su Nian laughed; "Just go around casually."

"You don't have something shameful, do you?"

Su Nian: ...

"If there is nothing shameful, then why don't you let me go?" Li Beichen said this deliberately.

Li Beichen has reached this point, what else can Su Nian do: "Beichen, how can you think of me so much? Is this how I am in your heart? I can have something that you can't see. If you really If you want to go, then of course I can take you there, but if you go, you have to promise me something."


"Promise me, if you feel uncomfortable, then you have to tell me immediately, if you can't promise this, then even if you misunderstand that I have something shameful, then I won't let you accompany me I'll go." Su Nian said seriously.

Li Beichen was very uncomfortable when Su Nian deliberately looked at him like a sick child.

Immediately, he hugged Su Nian horizontally.

Su Nian was so frightened by the sudden suspension that he subconsciously tightened his clothes.

【What does this guy want to do? It scares me to death. He doesn't want to prove that his body is fine, does he?Behavior of such a foolishness, hahaha, this Li Beichen is really too funny, to be able to think of such a foolish way. 】

"Okay, Beichen, I know your health is fine. You put me down first." Su Nian tried hard to hold back the feeling that she was about to laugh, and said in a delicate voice.

But Li Beichen didn't intend to let go, instead he hugged her and walked out: "Where are you going?"

"It's really not necessary."

"Just tell me where you are."

Su Nian secretly glanced at Li Beichen, and could only silently say the location.

Then Li Beichen hugged Su Nian the whole time, even in the car.

If Li Beichen wasn't afraid of wasting time, then he really planned to hug Su Nian.

He didn't believe that this didn't prove that his body was fine!

Li Beichen also knew that such behavior was indeed a bit naive, but he had no way to argue with Su Nian, so he could only use this method!

Prove that there is nothing wrong with his body.

Really no problem at all!

(End of this chapter)

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