"I have no reason to harm your child at all, unless I am that kind of crazy person, no, if I am really that kind of crazy person, then I shouldn't just attack your child, I should attack you as a whole People start."

"Let you know what life is better than death." When Su Nian said this, his expression completely changed.

Become sharp, become unfathomable.

This expression really made Lan Ni terrified.

The chill really cannot be described in words.

But at this time, Su Nian suddenly smiled: "But don't worry, I just came here to gloat, by the way, how is the baby in your belly? If I guess correctly, what you did before It's all about the child in your womb, and you want your child to be famous."

"Now, your current body is about to be charged with crimes. If your child is born in this, do you think your child can hold his head up?"

"Su Nian, you think I don't know what you want to say, what you want to know from me, I still hope you can dispel your idea, because anyone can get information from me, but you alone can't. "

But Su Nian laughed when he heard this, and leaned in front of Lan Ni: "What do you mean by this, what do you mean it is impossible for me alone, do you know that everything you say now is to give I remind."

"I'm the only one who can't. It's proof that you should have what I want here. It's proof that Huo Linyuan made a promise to you the moment you came in. Let me guess what promise it is."

Su Nian's eyes wandered over Lan Ni's body: "It's really hard to guess, after all, Huo Linyuan is not as stupid as you, and unlike you, he has a problem with his brain."

"Is there any use for you to laugh at me?"

And Su Nian continued to say to himself: "However, your mind is very easy to guess. For example, in your case, what you do is to hope that your child can have a reputation and appear in all the places. In people's eyes, he is an upright child."

"It's really touching. Mothers can do a lot of things for their children. I think you can touch mothers all over the country. Anyway, I was very moved when I heard it."

Su Nian's words struck Lan Ni's heart word by word.

Lan Ni started to panic in his heart.

Why is this Su Nian so accurate in judging people.

Why does it feel like exposing the whole person in front of Su Nian.

This feeling is really a bit uncomfortable.

But after all, Lan Ni has dealt with Su Nian for so long, she knows that at this moment, she must be steady.

If you can't hold on, then you lose.

"Su Nian, do you really think that I don't know that you are attacking my spirit right now, trying to break my spirit, do you really think that it is so easy for you to succeed?"

When Su Nian heard this, he raised his eyebrows: "Is it not easy for me to succeed? Then why are you shaking? Are you cold?" Then he looked to the side a few times: "The air-conditioning system here should Very good, after all, this place is the territory of the government, if the system here is not secure, then it is very important."

Sun Yinger watched from the side.

Now she feels more and more that her sister is powerful.

It looks very casual.

But inadvertently exerted so-called psychological pressure on Lan Ni.

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