The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 1117 Why does this guy feel a bit like a dog?

When Su Nian heard this, she didn't like to hear it.

What does it mean to encounter such a thing. ,
What's up with her.

Li Beichen saw that Su Nian's expression was completely bad, so he hurriedly said: "I mean, you care a little too much about calligraphy, but now you don't say anything, don't ask anything, you just like this, what do you think? Can this really teach Mo Bao well?"

Su Nian was a little unconvinced.

【What do you mean by that? In my previous life, I taught calligraphy so well. Why do I feel that in this guy's eyes, I'm almost like a waste. 】

【This guy really looks down on people. 】

[I don't know how excellent the calligraphy in the previous life is. 】

Although she was complaining in her heart, Su Nian's superficial attitude was still very serious.

Li Beichen laughed when he saw Su Nian like this.

No matter what it is, as long as it is good for Mo Bao, Su Nian will take it seriously.

In fact, Li Beichen really thinks that the best mother in the world is Su Nian.

Su Nian: "Then tell me now, what happened and why did you become like this?"

So Li Beichen told the story.

After Su Nian finished listening... just an idea.

If I knew this was the case, I wouldn't listen to this guy.

It's a complete waste of time to listen to this guy.

"Li Beichen, I usually think you are very smart, why are you like this when it comes to the critical moment... Mo Bao is so old, what are you talking about with Mo Bao, Mo Bao..."

"But Mo Bao is our child, and there are many things in him, we must teach him well, and now I'm just starting to exercise his ability, little by little."

These words made Su Nian, who was about to say something, really not know what to say.

[I've always liked Mo Bao to be a little more relaxed in my life. After all, Li Beichen's father is here, so Mo Bao doesn't have to bear as much as in his previous life. 】

【I really forgot that no matter how relaxed Mo Bao is, he is still a child of the Li family, not a child of an ordinary family. It seems that he cannot be relaxed】

Thinking this way, Su Nian felt a strong sense of powerlessness for some reason.

Powerlessness is something that cannot be expressed in words.

Li Beichen, as the person next to him, of course knew what Su Nian meant, and immediately said quickly: "I know what you mean, but don't forget, Mo Bao is a boy, and a boy has taken on a lot of burdens. thing."

"Let's talk about it again, Mo Bao will marry a wife in the future. If he really doesn't have a very good quality, then which girl will be our son's wife? Do you really want your son to be a bachelor for the rest of his life? ?"

Su Nian began to shake his head frantically when he heard this.

Of course she didn't want to.

"The identity of our family is indeed not simple, even to put it in a bad way. In a family like ours, children are most likely to learn bad things, so we must be careful in the future. If he really learns bad things, then it can really be said that he is bad." his life."

These words made Su Nian's expression change immediately.

After all, as a mother, I don't want my children to learn bad things at all.

"Beichen, what should we do?"

Seeing Su Nian's expression, Li Beichen subconsciously thumped.

It's over, this sentence is a bit heavy.

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