"And Mo Bao also agreed."

Su Nian & Mo Bao:! ! ! !

Especially Mo Bao.

Now Mo Bao really can't restrain himself.

He really wants to swear now.

What does this dad mean, what does it mean that I agreed, and I obviously didn't agree.

Now Mo Bao really feels more and more that his father is not a good thing.


No, it should be said, what evil did you do in your previous life.

Why is this father on the stand.

Su Nian was almost laughed at by this guy: "Li Beichen, you are a big man anyway, do you really find it interesting as a man if you say such a thing?"

But Li Beichen didn't care at all.

"I didn't lie to you, Mo Bao really agreed to this."

"Then tell me, how did my Mobao agree to it?"

When Li Beichen heard this, he lowered his head, held Mo Bao's little hand, then held Mo Bao's little hand, and pressed keys on the keyboard.

Press it out: I really do it voluntarily, and I will obediently follow Dad's plan.

Su Nian: ...


Especially Mo Bao.

Mo Bao really doesn't know what to say now.

Ahhh, this dad is really amazing.

Now Mo Bao really doesn't know his previous life... Hey, forget it, this is fate.

No matter how hot Su Nian and Mo Bao's eyes are.

But Li Beichen was very calm: "Look, Mo Bao wants it."

【Willing...willing to take a plane...】

[How did Li Beichen know that Mo Bao is willing. 】

【His father is really unreliable. 】

[No wonder some people say that if a father takes care of his children, it is good to be alive. 】

【Ahhh, I used to really think that these words were used to describe those unreliable fathers. Li Beichen is definitely not that kind of person, but now I have proved that I really thought too much. 】

"Li Beichen"

Li Beichen also knew that he couldn't go too far.

If it's really too much, then I really might have to sleep in the study.

Then put the child on the ground.

"I'm just joking. I'm really joking. I'm a real father. How can I be so cruel to my son?"

When Mo Bao heard this, he sneered in his heart.

When this father said this, he really didn't have the so-called guilty conscience, so he just put him on the ground.

There was no hesitation at all.

Isn't this a crazy slap in the face!
"Don't think I don't know, you're just scaring your son like that, and I'm serious about discussing his son's affairs with you, it's not fake, is your attitude really good?"

"I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, don't worry, I will definitely do it seriously." Li Beichen also knew that enough is enough, so he quickly admitted his mistake.

Su Nian sneered.

Then Li Beichen obediently sat in his seat and began to make plans seriously.

Li Beichen became serious after starting.

So I did it very slowly.

A joke is a joke.

But this plan is related to Mo Bao's life, of course Li Beichen has to be more serious.

Even Li Beichen felt that this was the most difficult plan he had ever made.

There are many things to consider.

Consider whether it will be tiring for Mobao, whether Mobao will be unhappy when learning these things, and what to do if Mobao is unhappy and becomes tired of learning.

So these concerns made Li Beichen's brows furrowed tightly.

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