"Why do you think I have you in my heart? Where did you see it, Huo Linyuan? I didn't even feel it myself."

There was nothing mocking on Sun Yinger's face.

And Huo Linyuan's eyes were full of affection: "Actually, I never thought that I would let someone else be my wife. In my heart, only you are qualified to be my wife."

"Are you begging me now?"

Huo Linyuan was really uncomfortable seeing Sun Yinger in such a superior posture, so Huo Linyuan said: "Yinger, it has been so many days, if you are angry in your heart, then you should come out, our current time is not It's short. There's no need to waste it on something like this."

"I don't think it's a waste. I think it's pretty good now. On the contrary, you are wasting time like this now. Wife, is your wife a good position? Do I have to be your wife?"

Huo Linyuan felt that if he lowered his head a little, Sun Yinger would be able to come back, so it was almost enough to be here, and now Sun Yinger's attitude really made Huo Linyuan a little uncomfortable.

But thinking of his own plan, Huo Linyuan could only be patient: "Okay, Yinger, just tell me what you want me to do, so that you will believe me and my words, and believe that I regard you as my wife. "

Saying "wife" so repeatedly, Sun Yinger's heart is really disgusting, what's so good about his wife, it's like what a good position his wife is in this world, even like the queen's position.

But at this moment, Sun Yinger thought of one thing, and immediately said: "Is it true what you said? You are sincere, what you said?"

These words made Huo Linyuan laugh in his heart.

He knew this woman was pretending.

This woman is up for grabs.

But at the next moment, Huo Linyuan's expression changed.

Because Sun Yinger said: "Then you kneel down and beg me."

"Sun Yinger, do you know what you are talking about?"

Sun Yinger looked at the veins on Huo Linyuan's forehead, and smiled directly: "Of course I know what I'm talking about, Huo Linyuan, if you don't do something to let me see your sincerity, how will I know if what you said is sincere? Or you don't want me to be your wife at all, you just think I'm your dog, come and go when you call."

"Woman, don't go too far."

Sun Yinger just laughed a few times: "Hahahaha, don't go too far, what did I do that made you think it was too much, I just want to see your sincerity, your dignified Young Master Huo, Mr. Huo, you can't take it Don't you think it's too much to show so-called sincerity?"

"Can't you afford it? If you can't afford it, then you can just say it directly. I won't say such a thing. What do you mean now? Now you are blaming me again, Huo Linyuan, I am really curious now , Are you a man, if you are a man, then why do you say such things. "

Following Sun Yinger's words, Huo Linyuan frowned tightly: "Yinger, you have changed, you have really changed, you were not like this before."

"Then what does my sister look like, is she following you like a pug, waiting for you to donate bones casually, if you give me a good face casually, she will be very happy, hahaha, if you really I hope my sister is like this, so why don't you get a dog."

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