Sun Yinger came to the hospital.

I saw a lot of people standing outside the ward.

Such a big posture really made Sun Yinger raise her eyebrows slightly.

It's really a bit...

When Sun Yinger just came to the door and hadn't gained a firm foothold yet.

Then someone said: "Why is it so late? After all, she is also a grandma. Why are you so careless? Hehe, this granddaughter is really good, very good."

Sun Yinger heard this but didn't say anything, just stood there quietly.

And the person who spoke was none other than her second aunt.

Second Aunt Sun must be feeling uncomfortable being ignored like this, so she said directly: "I'm talking to you, what do you mean now, do you put my aunt in your eyes now, are you really It's a bit too much, I will definitely tell your father about it later, and let your father teach you a good lesson."

"Go and talk, you go now, and I didn't stop you."

Second Aunt Sun got even angrier because of these words: "What are you talking about, you dead girl, you know what you are talking about, what do you mean by that, do you really want to rebel?"

Sun Yinger leaned lightly against the wall.

He looked at the person in front of him coldly.

If she didn't talk about her gaze, some people would think that she was looking at the animals in the zoo.

"Okay, her second aunt, don't make trouble, how are you going on, what are you talking about?" Another woman next to her said.

Sun Yinger looked at the person who spoke this time.

The person who spoke this time was none other than her third aunt.

It's really interesting.

After Third Aunt Sun made her voice, Second Aunt Sun seemed to have found her confidence: "I really didn't expect her, Third Aunt, to be so cold-blooded when she grew up, and she didn't value family affection at all. Time was so kind to her, I am really chilling now."

Sun Yinger really wanted to laugh when she heard this.

Want to laugh like crazy.

She also really admired the second aunt for being able to say such a thing.

When she was young, when her two aunts saw her, they said that girls had nothing to do with family property, so if she coveted the things at home, she would be shameless and a beast.

Even the second aunt originally thought that her daughter could marry Huo Linyuan instead of her, and even climbed into Huo Linyuan's bed, but it turned out.

As a result, Huo Linyuan didn't take a fancy to him at all, and simply became a prey.

Hahaha, she also really admires herself as the second aunt.

After doing so many things.

You can still say such things with confidence.

Really great.

Super powerful.

Second Aunt Sun and Third Aunt Sun spoke so crazily that they wished to slam Sun Yinger into the dirt.

But Sun Yinger didn't say anything, just stood there quietly.

It really seemed like a joke for the two of them.

The current situation is really annoying.

At this time, the ward was opened, and a nurse came out, and said: "Patient's family, the patient's condition is stable now, you can go in and have a look, but you should pay attention when you speak, if your words are irritating patients, the consequences would be disastrous."

When Sun Yinger heard this, why did she feel that it was said to herself on purpose.

Interesting, really interesting.

Then everyone walked in.

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