The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 1147 The man my sister used, will my sister use again?

Chapter 1147 The man my sister used, will my sister use again?

Although the old lady said so, her trembling body had already betrayed her guilty conscience.

"I'm just saying, after all, grandma, you were so healthy before, why did you become so seriously ill all of a sudden? If I remember correctly, you went abroad to buy jewelry a few days ago, why is it suddenly not working now?" Ah, what is going on, I really think I need to think about it carefully."

After all, the old lady has lived for so many years, of course she heard the cynicism of these words.

"Sun Yinger, what do you mean? Is this your attitude towards my grandma? You are really hardened now, do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

When the old lady finished speaking, Sun Yinger began to applaud: "Dad, look at me, I'm not very good now, I cured my grandma in one fell swoop, hey, I didn't expect that I would have such a Skill, Dad, you don’t need to praise me, really don’t praise me, this is what I should.”

Sun Zhuang's face is really ugly now, it can't be more ugly: "Sun Yinger, what do you mean now, do you really want to rebel? Do you really think that with Su Nian behind you, you can really do whatever you want? In fact, Su Nian It’s just treating you like a dog, a dog who is tossing around casually, why can’t you fail to see this.”

"Aren't I a dog in front of you? Anyway, I am a dog wherever I go. If this is the case, what is the difference between places?"

When Sun Yinger saw the two in front of her, she didn't want to pretend.

Since this is the case, then just force it directly.

What is this.

At this time, the old lady said directly: "Okay, I don't care what you think, your marriage with Huo Linyuan is already a certainty, you'd better do what I want honestly, I'm yours Grandma, I will never harm you in any way."

"Grandma, this is unfair to me and Sun Yan. The man my sister used, my sister still uses it. Don't you think it will be laughed at by others?"

This matter, in fact, no one dared to say anything at home.

But I really didn't expect that Sun Yinger would just say that directly.

This is really embarrassing for those present.

Even Sun Yan felt that there was something wrong with the way everyone looked at her, so she directly wanted to teach her a lesson.

But before Sun Yan's hand approached Sun Yinger, she heard Sun Yinger say: "Yanyan, what do you mean by this? Is it because I said something wrong? I think you are Huo Linyuan's woman anyway, you Just right."

Sun Yan's eyes lit up immediately.


If I can become Huo Linyuan's wife, then my position is really good.

"Sun Yinger, our arrangement is of course our decision, you just listen to our arrangement obediently, you are really not afraid that Huo Linyuan will lose interest in you if you are doing this now, let me tell you, this is the only plan, If you miss this..."

"Don't you guys be afraid? If I really marry Huo Linyuan, then if Sun Yan can't help herself and climbs onto Huo Linyuan's bed, what if she gets killed, then if it gets out, it's a woman from our Sun family who will marry her?" If you don't go out, only the Huo family wants it."

This is really as ugly as it sounds.

Second Aunt Sun, who is Sun Yaner's mother, immediately said: "Sun Yinger, you are talking nonsense. If you are talking nonsense, then I will tear your mouth apart. I am not polite to you."

But Sun Yinger was not flustered at all, she just looked at Second Aunt Sun straightly: "Second Aunt, what are you doing in such a hurry, are you so anxious, don't you explain from the side, what I said is true, You and your daughter have such an idea, so if I raise it now, isn’t it another way to prevent nature?”

(End of this chapter)

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