Chapter 1153 Su Nian must be powerful

"Lu Jing, let me tell you something ridiculous. They not only want me to marry Huo Linyuan, but also want me to masturbate to them."

Hearing what Sun Yinger said, Lu Jing really felt distressed.

Super distressed.

However, Lu Jing still has some brains, and knows what to say now, so he looked directly at the people of the Sun family and said, "Hehe, I really don't know what these people are thinking, let's not talk about other things. Is my aunt Su Nian just an ordinary woman?"

"If my aunt knows the news, she will definitely be angry. After all, it's like my aunt wants all kinds of rubbish."

From the moment Lu Jing appeared, Sun Yan didn't speak.

Although this Lu Jing's brain is a bit bad.

The daughters of all the big families don't like this Lu Jing.

But if this Lu Jing is really rich, it's better not to provoke him.

But hearing this Lu Jing slandering her so much, she really couldn't bear to listen to it. This Lu Jing has a problem with his brain, and being looked down upon by such a person with such eyes, how could Sun Yan feel better.

"Young Master Lu, when you say this, you should be a little more polite. You are a man anyway, and you bully a woman like this. Are you really not afraid to spread the word?"

"Do you dare?" Lu Jing said directly.

These three simple words really swallowed all Sun Yan's words.

Lu Jing felt that as a nephew, of course he should do what a nephew should do now, so he simply patted Sun Yinger on the back and comforted the good man.

Then stand up.

Lu Jing coldly glanced at everyone in the Sun family: "SY, you all want to intervene. Your hearts are really big. I don't know what you think. Maybe you don't know what my two aunts are capable of. You guys, I also believe that my two aunts can start a new company, hehe, just a woman like Sun Yan."

"I think the Sun family really doesn't want to stay in this city anymore. It's okay, I can help you realize your thoughts."

These words changed the faces of all the Sun family members present.

Sun Zhuang: "What do you mean, Young Master Lu, don't mess around."

Lu Jing took out his mobile phone and made a call,

Soon the call was connected.

Lu Jing said to the person on the other end of the phone with a smile all over his face, "Auntie, what should I do if someone bullies my Aunt Sun?"

"What else can I do, kill me, is there a second option?"

Lu Jing looked at the members of the Sun family: "Hehe, they want to win over the Huo family, so we should work together. The Li family and the Lu family join forces. I'm really curious how long they can last."

"You don't have to hold on for long. It will be over tomorrow. I found out that someone in the Sun family is evading taxes, and there are gangsters. It's such a simple thing. The Sun family can change hands tomorrow."

Lu Jing didn't expect his aunt to say that, she really could say it better than himself.

As expected, it was my aunt who cheated.

"But aunt, I didn't expect that you really have a hand. Did you find out a long time ago?"

"No, I made it up. The two of us are united. Don't you just cover the sky with one hand? Make it up casually. At worst, I will discuss with Huo Linyuan. As long as I get rid of the Sun family, then I can temporarily truce. Maybe that kid Huo Linyuan They will all stand on my side, so the Sun family is just a matter of minutes, there is nothing rare, there is no difficulty at all."

Now Lu Jing really admires his aunt so much.

It's so smart.

(End of this chapter)

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