The people who were talking nonsense to Sun Yinger just now were quiet.

Don't dare to speak.

"Okay, sister, let's not stay here anymore, this place is not suitable for us, so as not to make your mood worse, and it is useless to speak harshly here."

"It's only useful in practice, so that they don't think that aunt and you are talking nonsense." Lu Jing said cooperatively beside him.

Then Su Nian planned to take Sun Yinger away.

But when I didn't take a few steps.

Sun Yan's voice sounded: "Miss Su, don't be fooled by this woman, this woman is not what you think, you will definitely be harmed by her if you continue like this..."

When Su Nian heard this, she stopped in her tracks.

Then he walked quickly towards the person who was speaking.

Su Nian's movements were very fast, very fast... super fast... without giving anyone a chance to react.

"I want to ask, what did my sister lie to me?"

Sun Yan didn't know what to say.

"I don't have any financial entanglements with her. Just that company. If my sister wants it, I can give it to her directly. I can just get a company from Huo Linyuan. Anyway, I have nothing, just With a brain, with my brain, it is not a matter of every minute."

"Li Beichen, she has thoughts about Li Beichen and about your husband."

Su Nian is really smiling now, completely laughing.

I really didn't expect to meet such a stupid person.

"Yes, yes, you have thoughts about your husband, Ms. Su, you may not believe it if you tell me. This woman likes to seduce people the most. When she sees how good your husband is, she feels jealous in her heart." , just want to destroy your family."

Now Sun Yan doesn't care about anything.

She just wanted to pull Sun Yinger down, as long as she could pull Sun Yinger down, she could do anything.

She knows Su Nian's method.

If Su Nian wanted to, then it is really possible that this Sun family belongs to Sun Yinger.

Sun Yan would never let such a thing happen no matter what.

"A person who is not interested in the position of the head of the Huo Group's mistress, covets my husband, covets the man who transfers all the shares to me, all the assets to me, if it is really coveted, then I will give it to her , so that I can change to a new man openly."

When Lu Jing heard this, he chuckled: "I really want Li Beichen to hear this. If Li Beichen hears this, then he must be as uncomfortable as he is."

"It seems that I need to act quickly so that the Sun family can be dealt with as soon as possible. I don't want these so-called Sun family members to dirty my sister's reputation. You really don't deserve it."

This time Su Nian really took people away after finishing speaking.

Everyone in the Sun family knew it was really over.

Especially the old lady.

The old lady came directly in front of Sun Yan, and slapped Sun Yan directly: "You bitch, why are you talking nonsense, if it wasn't for you, then how could things be like this, it's all your fault, it's all your fault wrong."

When she said this, the anger in the old lady's heart really grew.

Actually started directly.

If you know that Sun Yan is not an ordinary woman, then fight back directly.

Now the two of them were completely wrestling together.

The Second Aunt Sun and the Third Aunt Sun on the other side were not vegetarians, so of course they had to fight in such a situation.

So it's just getting messier.

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