The matter of Sun Yinger was very troublesome.

The people in the Sun family are also very happy now, so the atmosphere in the Sun family is very good.

Especially the old lady of the Sun family: "I knew this Sun Yinger was not a good person. You see, this Sun Yinger has done so many things. It is really abominable. Now I really think that our Sun family has such a person. our faces."

Mrs. Sun is really proud now.

Now she really feels that the world is on her side, and Sun Yinger is like a street mouse.

However, Mrs. Sun felt that as Sun Yinger's grandma, she must do something, and she had a responsibility on her body, so she could use this opportunity to teach that shameless guy a good lesson.

But the old lady didn't notice that there were still people with a bad face.

And Sun Zhuang was also very happy: "I believe that girl Sun Yinger will come to us soon. After all, Sun Yinger has become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats."

The old lady frowned when she heard this: "Sun Zhuang, you are also a father, you don't discipline your daughter well, if you discipline your daughter well, then such a thing will not happen. "

Sun Zhuang: "I want to too, but I'm really busy, there's nothing I can do..."

"What are you busy with? You should have listened to me back then. You shouldn't have married Sun Yinger's mother. If you had listened to me, then you would have been able to marry a well-known lady. You definitely wouldn't have such a daughter, and it wouldn't happen now." The situation, after all, is your business. You don’t listen to me, so you will be like this. If you listen to me, then such a thing will not happen. Look at the children of your two younger brothers, but There's never been anything like this."

When the old lady said this, she went to pull Sun Yan: "Look, Yanyan, she has been by my side since she was a child, and she has been very obedient since she was a child, and she will not cause trouble for us. How good she is now."

If it was something else, Sun Yan would definitely be very happy.

After all, since she was a child, her favorite thing is to step on Sun Yinger fiercely, and she likes others to say that she is better than Sun Yinger.

But... now...

The reason for this is that Sun Yan saw something on the Internet.

At the beginning, she was very happy. Until now, she saw that some things were done by herself, such as going to school for others. At the beginning, the little bitch Sun Yinger deliberately passed the exam in order to prevent Sun Yinger from succeeding. , so Sun Yan tried to find a disappoint Sun Yinger...

But she said to herself in her heart, if this matter was really regarded as something Sun Yinger did, then she would be considered revenge.

But comfort is comfort, Sun Yan is still very rational, knowing that Sun Yinger has Su Nian by her side, and Su Nian has the entire Li family group behind her, if Sun Yinger wants to retract the confession, it must be very easy.

Now that Sun Yinger and the others didn't do anything, they must have some kind of plan. Such a plan is like a knife on Sun Yan's head.

The kind of knife that can fall at any time is really terrifying.

Especially seeing the old lady in front of her crazily scolding Sun Yinger.

Falling into Sun Yan's ears, it really felt like she was scolding herself, and it was really getting more and more terrifying.

Sun Yan finally couldn't listen anymore, so she said directly: "Okay, that's enough, you all shut up."

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