Now for Aunt Sun.

This is because Da Fang didn't have much ability, so he let himself find the fault.

After being bullied by the old master all these years, of course I have to do something, otherwise I will be bullied by the old master for nothing.

Not good at all.

"Brother, don't you really want to give us a perfect explanation? Or you don't want to do anything at all, and you even just watch our jokes behind your back, watch mom's jokes, and watch mom being bullied by these people."

When the old lady heard this, she looked at Sun Zhuang.

And Sun Zhuang frowned when the old lady looked at him like this: "Mom, you mean it, don't listen to other people's nonsense, I am your son, how can I harm you."

The old lady nodded when she heard this.

I think it makes sense.

Then he looked at Second Aunt Sun: "My second family, what's the matter with you, what time is it now, why are you here to sow discord, how much benefit have you received from that dead girl Sun Yinger, you give me Say, you tell me well, if you don't tell me well, then I really..."

Second Aunt Sun really didn't know what to say.

Is there something wrong with this old lady's brain?

Why do you think so.

What was wrong with her mind?

Why did I become someone from Sun Yinger's side?

If this was the case, he might have been killed by Sun Yinger long ago...

Now that Second Aunt Sun saw Sun Zhuang and Sun Yinger fighting, she felt more and more that this might be a trick they had devised to monopolize the Sun family.

The more this is the case...

Second Aunt Sun became more and more angry, and felt more and more that she couldn't sit still like this, and had to do something to be able to...

But just when Second Aunt Sun was thinking this way, Sun Yan's voice sounded again: "Grandma, Mom, there is really no need for you to be so noisy. It is useless for you to be so noisy."

Sun Yan continued: "Grandma, in fact, I don't think we can treat my sister like this. Even if my sister has done something sorry to us, my sister is still my sister. We really can't treat my sister like this."

Sun Yan figured it out.

It's better not to explode than to have this thunder explode on him.

Sun Yan felt very uncomfortable, but even if she was uncomfortable, it was of no use. The current situation was like this.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Are you really trying to piss me off like this? Your sister, your so-called sister, your sister has done so many things, she is a piece of rubbish."

"If you can't pass the exam, just buy it. This kind of behavior is really indecent. Don't look at her brain. Even if you buy it, it's useless. After all, she has to go to school, and she can't learn well in high school. So if she still has university knowledge, is her brain really enough?"

These words really left Sun Yan at a loss for what to say.

His complexion was really as ugly as it wanted.

She did not realize that things were not so simple until she went to college.

After going to college, I don't know any classes.

The key point is why grandma said that. Could it be that the old lady has forgotten that it was her idea to buy a degree by herself. In grandma's words, it is almost enough for these inferior people to earn a little money.

Why do you say that now.

Now Sun Yan really suspects that this old lady has brain problems, maybe she has Alzheimer's disease, yes, yes, she has Alzheimer's disease, that's why she is like this.

Thinking of this, Sun Yan frowned.

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