Now hearing what Sun Yan said, Huo Linyuan could only laugh.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed Sun Yan's chin: "Now your sister is more valuable than you, how do you compare with your sister, or what is your value? You can appear here now, but it is because of your sister , come and tell me now that you and your sister are actually the same, Sun Yan, you have followed me anyway, I have never noticed that your tone is so serious."

Huo Linyuan pinched Sun Yan's chin so badly.

"Who said I have no value, I have value, if I have no value, then how could I appear here."

This made Huo Linyuan narrow his eyes slightly: "You are valuable, but you should tell me about your value."

"If I can make Su Nian die."

After hearing this, Huo Linyuan let go of Sun Yan. .

He really didn't expect Sun Yan to be able to say such a thing, it's interesting but quite interesting.

"I know you may not believe it, but if this matter fails, then you will not be involved, but if this matter succeeds, then you will have one less confidant, what do you think?"

Huo Linyuan laughed when he heard this.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect you to have such big ambitions. Hahaha, you are really amazing."

Sun Yan naturally heard the sarcasm in these words.

There was no way she could.

Sun Yan knew very well that Sun Yinger was just using herself as a way to humiliate Huo Linyuan. She also believed that through Su Nian and Sun Yinger's manipulation, she would definitely become Mrs. Huo.

The future mistress of the Huo family.

But, but I have to find a way to secure this position.

It is necessary for Huo Linyuan not to hate herself, to really accept herself, to marry herself, and then to completely make herself a veritable Mrs. Huo.

"It's not ambition, but reality. If I don't do this, how can I enter your heart and let you see me? If I don't let you see me, then I may be replaced by you at any time. I don't want that to happen."

"And my elder sister can become the person in charge of the Sun family and get the entire Sun family. As my elder sister's younger sister, if I really don't do something, then how can I be her younger sister."'

When Sun Yan said this, she couldn't control the...ambition in her eyes.

This really made Huo Linyuan really interested in the woman in front of him.

"Since this is the case, let me take a good look at your ability. If you are really capable, the position of my wife is of course yours."

Huo Linyuan didn't believe what this woman could do to Su Nian. After all, that woman Su Nian was notoriously cunning. If Su Nian was really taken by this woman... then Su Nian would not be Su Nian.

But in this case, this thing is fun.

Sun Yan received Huo Linyuan's promise, and she had a charming smile on her face: "Young Master Huo, trust me, I will never let you down, I will definitely let you marry me willingly."

Huo Linyuan stretched out his hand towards Sun Yan.

Sun Yan put her hand on Huo Linyuan's hand shyly.

Then Huo Linyuan pulled the man directly into his arms, and said in a low voice: "I hope you can do what you say."

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