Just at this time.

The door was opened.

Sun Zhuang walked in angrily.

When he walked in, he said directly to Sun Yinger: Sun Yinger, do you know what you are doing?I gave you the company, why are you messing around like this, you messing around here, how can you be worthy of your ancestors. "

When Su Nian heard this, the expression on her face was as helpless as she could be.

What the hell is going on with this guy.

Why is it so feudal?

In fact, there is another thing that Su Nian really can't figure out, why this novel is obviously a novel with a modern background, why is it so feudal.

"This company is mine, and I can do whatever I want, what's wrong." Sun Yinger put away her smile.

Sun Zhuang really didn't expect his daughter to be able to say such words: "You, you, what do you mean? Do whatever you want. You can't act like this. If you act like this."

"What's wrong with me, but I really don't know how Dad you manage this company, why there are so many moths in the company, I know there are many women around you, but can you, don't your women talk nonsense In a word, it puts people directly into the company.”

"That's right, the structure of our company is a family company, but a family company can't be a shabby company." Now Sun Yinger is really disgusted with her father.

All the people kept saying that since they are daughters, it is impossible for the company to have their own share, so what, and at the same time, they asked themselves to get married to the company in exchange for some resources.

But after getting started with this company, Sun Yinger realized how worthless her life really was. She kept saying that she would not be allowed to join the company, so she guarded her company.

And then, such rubbish.

Incomparable rubbish.

It can even be said that any garbage can enter this company.

Such a company is also worthy of dedication, hehehe, it's really a joke, a big joke.

"What do you mean, Sun Yinger, is this your attitude towards me? I am your father, you are really against the sky now, you are really against the sky, you don't understand anything."

"I rebelled, what did I rebel, I was just telling the truth, could it be that I can't even tell the truth in front of you, Dad? Hahaha."

When dealing with the company these days, Sun Yinger's anger has long been a lot, but she doesn't want Su Nian and Lu Jing to worry about controlling her all the time, and now she has this opportunity.

You can vent well, why don't you make good use of this opportunity.

Immediately turned around, walked to the desk, picked up a file, turned around again and threw it directly in front of Sun Zhuang: "For example, this person is the younger brother of one of your girlfriends, and I was directly inserted by you." The Finance Department, and then use this identity to embezzle tens of millions, ha ha."

"There's also this person who takes kickbacks, so Gong Shi's cooperation has a big problem, and he even lost a lot of money."

"There is also this person, who has a bad relationship with him, so he insisted on reporting, which caused the project to lose money."

These words really made Sun Zhuang a little bit at a loss for what to say.

His face was pale.

But anyway, he is also an old man, and he was treated like this by his own daughter. Of course he knows about these things, and Sun Zhuang has been trying to deal with them, but this is not the reason why Sun Yinger can expel those people.

As soon as she handed over the company to Sun Yinger, she fired her like crazy.

Where do you put your face.

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