Chapter 1193 Lu Jing: Zhou Xu, I will go too

"This person, if he can't recognize his own position, then it's a very ridiculous thing."

Sun Zhuang's current complexion is really as ugly as it is.

I really don't know what to say.

"Aunt Sun, look at what I said, do you have different wisdom?"

Sun Yinger laughed directly when she saw Lu Jing begging for rewards like this.

But her appearance made Lu Jing dissatisfied: "Aunt Sun, I'm talking to you. Why don't you talk? Could it be that what I said is wrong? Why is what I said wrong? Why?"

, Exactly like a child.

What else could Sun Yinger do, but she could only say in a helpless voice: "Yes, yes, you are right, what you said is right, very right, Lu Jing, you really managed to be smart once, you It's really powerful."

After receiving such praise, Lu Jing felt even happier, and then he looked at Sun Zhuang: "Okay, okay, what are you doing here, what else do you have to do, the things you are delaying here are ruthless , It’s fine if you caused such a big disaster, why delay people like this.”

But Sun Zhuang was still a little unwilling.

After all, several of those who were expelled by Sun Yinger came to him.

I made a promise in front of those people, what would it look like if I went back like this.

So Sun Zhuang still said: "Ying'er, I know you must have your reasons, but no matter how many reasons you have, those are the old people of the company. If you do this, it will really chill the hearts of these people in the company. You are still young now, and you have no idea what the consequences will be if you really chill the hearts of these people."

"Han Xin, what is chilling, if someone really feels chilling, then you can let him come to me and I will fire you." Sun Yinger said directly.

Su Nian next to him also echoed: "That's right, Sun Zhuang, you just let people who are not convinced come to me, no matter how much money it is, I will compensate him, we just don't want any grievances."

Sun Zhuang really didn't expect them to say that.

I really don't know what to say.

Sun Yinger said coldly again: "Don't you understand? This company is just a toy to us. If something happens to this company, then it's nothing. At worst, we can change to another company. Dad, I hope you leave quickly and don't waste our time here."

"Sun Yinger, you, you, do you have to do this?"

"Isn't that what I'm doing now? Obviously that's what I'm doing. Don't use your family to pressure me. You have to know that you have kept saying that I am a daughter. I will be married off anyway. The family members It has nothing to do with me."

Sun Zhuang is covering his heart now.

A look of being pissed off.

"Zhou Xu, what are you still doing in a daze, you quickly drag him away, do you really want something to happen in front of me?" Su Nian said coldly.

What Su Nian said really made Zhou Xu realize that he hurried to Sun Zhuang's side and directly imprisoned Sun Zhuang.

Sun Zhuang wanted to say something.

But Zhou Xu said in Sun Zhuang's ear: "I hope you can be a little more honest. Don't make my wife angry. If you really make my wife angry, the consequences will be really serious."

These words made Sun Zhuang's face change.

Then Zhou Xu controlled him to go.

When Lu Jing saw Sun Zhuang like this, he quickly followed him: "Zhou Xu, I'm going too."

(End of this chapter)

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