The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 1199 Looking at Dad is uncomfortable, Mo Bao is of course happy

Chapter 1199 Looking at Dad is uncomfortable, Mo Bao is of course happy

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Mo Bao immediately turned to look at Li Beichen.

And seriously asked: "If I am sick, will Mom really clean up Dad? Will..."

When Li Beichen heard this, his complexion suddenly turned dark.

Immediately, he lightly flicked Mo Bao's head with his hand: "Mo Bao, what are you thinking, do you really want your mother to be angry with me?"

Unexpectedly, Mo Bao nodded seriously: "If mother is angry with father, then she can sleep with Mo Bao, but mother never sleeps with Mo Bao."

As Mo Bao with an adult soul in his body, of course he didn't want his mother to sleep with him.

But it's okay to be angry with this father.

What he is focusing on now is a childish speech.

Li Beichen really didn't know what to say, after all, he didn't want to fight either.

"Dad, in Mom's eyes, I'm more obedient than you, hum, I'm Mom's favorite baby, hum."

Li Beichen gently patted the little guy's forehead with his hand: "Unfortunately, I seem to listen to my mother more than you."


Li Beichen continued to rub Mo Bao's little hand.

Although Mo Bao didn't want to admit it.

But this father is sometimes very gentle.

When he was studying, he accompanied him.

If you make a mistake, say it softly.

Although it was written wrong on purpose by himself, after all, Mo Bao knew very well that he was a child now, if everything was right, it would be easy to be suspected.

Cough cough, and he still feels that he still needs to give his father room to play.

Just at this time.

The door of the study opened.

Mo Bao raised his head subconsciously, thinking he could see his mother.

But I didn't expect that what I saw was actually grandpa.

Immediately, he struggled out of his father's arms and ran towards his grandfather on his short legs.

Seeing Mo Bao running towards him like this, Li Jianhong immediately burst into laughter, and then squatted down: "Mo Bao."

"Grandpa, Mo Bao really misses you."

Although Li Jianhong has been in the mall all his life, to be honest, he is just an ordinary old man, watching his grandson running towards him like this.

Who is not soft-hearted.

He immediately hugged Mo Bao in his arms.

"Grandpa also misses Mo Bao, hahaha, let Grandpa see, Mo Bao, have you grown taller? Have you become prettier?"


Li Jianhong looked at his good grandson carefully.

I was really happy to see my good grandson like this.

When Li Beichen next to him saw this scene, he felt as relieved as he could. Maybe this is the so-called happiness, after he died in his previous life.

I can only look at such happiness like an outsider.

But it's different now.

I can really feel this happiness here.

But the next moment, Li Jianhong's expression changed, and he immediately put down the calligraphy.

Then he walked up to Li Beichen, and looked at Li Beichen with a serious face: "You guy, do you know what you did? When you were young, although I was a little strict with you, I never treated you like that Insane, you are really going too far."

When Mo Bao saw this scene, his eyes immediately lit up.

Grandpa is trying to teach him a lesson?

That's really good.

Anyway, Mo Bao's purpose is to be happy when his father is unlucky.

Very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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