Chapter 1250

Sun Yan's anger immediately went up.

But no matter how angry Sun Yan was, she had to restrain herself.

Must be well restrained.

What else could Sun Yan do, she could only continue to look aggrieved.

But... no matter how good Sun Yan's acting skills are, it's useless.

The reason for this is because... Huo Linyuan didn't even look at her.

At this moment, Sun Yan realized that it was not good.

"I, I, I'm really a little scared, after all... who is not afraid." Sun Yan said in a weak voice deliberately in order to regain Huo Linyuan's sight.

It's the kind of man who will definitely soften his heart when he hears it.

But even if Sun Yan was like this, Huo Linyuan didn't react at all, but looked straight at Liu Na.

Now Sun Yan's mind has completely returned.

She finally understood that this Liu Na was not trying to save herself out of kindness, but just to get Huo Linyuan's attention.

Damn, does this Lin Na regard herself as a stepping stone?

When she realized this, Sun Yan's heart was full of anger.

"Miss Sun, I know there are some things I shouldn't ask, but I'm really curious about why you are so scared. What are you afraid of? It's just a little voice. Could it be that Miss Sun, are you doing something wrong? I'm really curious, what so-called evil thing did you do to scare you like this."

There was nothing wrong with Sun Yan's mind, so she could tell that Lin Na was giving her eye drops. At first, Sun Yan was really grateful to Lin Na, but now her gratitude is really gone.

This Lin Na didn't really help and save herself at all, and she didn't deserve her gratitude at all.

That's right, you don't deserve your gratitude at all.

But Sun Yan has nothing to do, she can only say in a pitiful tone: "What's wrong with me? I'm just afraid. I've never seen such a scene before. Isn't it okay to be afraid? Miss Lin , I'm really grateful that you came to save me, but it's really a bit..." when you say that about me, Sun Yan started to sob.

In this way, Sun Yan would be wronged as much as possible.

Lin Na: ...

Now Lin Na really felt that the difference between Sun Yan and Sun Yinger was not even one star. With Sun Yan's methods, she really dared to think about becoming Huo Linyuan's wife.

Lin Na felt a little regretful about her questioning just now.

Well, of course Lin Na is no ordinary embarrassing Sun Yan.

After all, Lin Na is not that stupid, she wants to marry Huo Linyuan just like Sun Yan.

The reason why Lin Na did that was to make Huo Linyuan feel that she was the same love brain as Sun Yan.

After all, this man always looks superior, as if all the women in the world like him, even to put it badly, they must like him.

Well, this situation is really a bit disgusting, super disgusting.

The nasty kind.

Lin Na even began to question herself now, questioning why she thought of such a way when her brain was pumped... because the posture Huo Linyuan puts on now is really a bit...

Hey, I really have to think about everything.

But now that this kind of thing has started, there is no other way, but to continue to go down.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect you to have such a big reaction. If I knew you had such a reaction, then I wouldn't say it."

(End of this chapter)

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