The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 154 Isn't it just a seed?So stingy, why don't you give it to me

Chapter 154 Isn't it just a seed?So stingy, why don't you give it to me

Su Nian didn't expect it.

Li Beichen actually took her to the hospital to visit Wang Ling.

And when they just walked into the ward, Wang Ling immediately got up and planned to get out of bed.

Since Su Nian had also been a mother in her previous life, when she saw Wang Ling like this, she quickly walked a few steps to Wang Ling: "Don't move around in this situation."

Seeing Su Nian being so concerned, Wang Ling felt guilty.

She knows what's going on online.

Originally, I wanted to call Su Nian as soon as I knew about it, or to clarify it directly.

But she asked her husband Fei Quan to contact her, but the reply she got was that she should take good care of the pregnancy, and she didn't have to worry about other things.

The more this happened, the more guilty Wang Ling felt.

Now that Su Nian is here, she can take advantage of this opportunity.

Immediately Wang Ling took Su Nian's hand: "Madam, I'm really sorry, if it wasn't for me, then online..."

But before Wang Ling finished speaking, Su Nian interrupted: "Mrs. Fei, you can't say that. Don't feel guilty about this matter. It's none of your business. You should know that some things will happen to him, but there are some things that happen to him." It's just an opportunity."

When Su Nian spoke, his expression was very serious.

Looking at Su Nian's eyes, Wang Ling wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

"Do you believe it? Do you believe that I appeared there on purpose? To gain your trust and get your husband to side with me? To facilitate my seizure of power?"

When Su Nian said this, Fei Quan next to him looked at Li Beichen nervously.

He really didn't expect that Su Nian would be so courageous.

Fei Quan has been in the company for so many years, but he clearly knows that Li Beichen has a deep mind. If Li Beichen really listens...

But the smile on Li Beichen's face didn't change at all, he looked at the two women with calm eyes.

"Don't believe me..." Wang Ling's eyes were full of firmness.

This firm look really made Su Nian feel a little guilty.

After all...she really is like this.

"It's fine if you don't believe me. It's okay to feel uncomfortable. You have to know that the most important thing for you now is the child in your stomach." Su Nian reached out and touched Wang Ling's stomach: "There is nothing more important than a child. You It has been seven months now, and in the middle and late stages, you have to be more careful."

"Every move in the middle and later stages is related to the child. It's like if you are in a bad mood. If you are in a bad mood, you will have no appetite for food. If you don't have much appetite, you can't eat much. What nutrition can your child have. "

Li Beichen watched Su Nian chattering about pregnancy knowledge to Wang Ling, the tenderness in her eyes was beyond his ability to describe in words.

Li Beichen never doubted that Su Nian was a good mother.

After all, she really wanted to give birth to that child named Mo Bao all the time.

"From your appearance, my wife should like children very much. If this is the case, then why don't you hurry up and have a child."

As soon as these words came out, Su Nian's expression changed.

[Don't I want it?It's obvious that the licking dog doesn't cooperate, isn't it just a seed?You're so stingy, you won't give it to me! 】

【Ah, I'm so angry, I'll just go back and knock out Li Beichen, the licking dog, and then force him, just get the seeds first. 】

Li Beichen coughed lightly.

This made Su Nian even more unhappy.

[Cough, cough, cough, you know what to cough. 】

(End of this chapter)

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