Chapter 166 The old man is angry
After Li Jianhong finished yelling at Li Beichen, he turned his head to comfort Su Nian: "Nian Nian, don't worry, Dad will definitely make the decision for you, and I will definitely not let this guy have a good time."

Li Jianhong felt that if he didn't teach Li Beichen a good lesson, he would have no way to see his old friends after he died.

Li Beichen couldn't help but said, "Do you know what she did?"

"What can you do? If you treat Nian Nian well, will Nian Nian go to that place? Nian Nian is also a human being, so why not find a way to be happy when you feel sad?"

Even Su Nian was very moved when he heard this.

【┭┮﹏┭┮, this father-in-law is really nice, no, he is not a father-in-law, he must be my real father! 】

Then Li Jianhong continued: "Niannian is sincere to you. What about you, how did you ruin it? Now it's all right. Niannian just wanted to find some way to relieve his sadness. What's wrong, and I told you, If you're really with..."

"Okay Dad, don't get involved in the matter between me and Su Nian." Li Beichen directly interrupted what Li Jianhong wanted to say.

But Su Nian felt that this was an opportunity.

[Now you can use dad to let him agree to have a baby with Li Beichen. 】

[Hahaha, here's my chance! 】

Immediately got up from Li Jianhong's arms: "Beichen, my request to you is very simple, as long as you give me a child, why are you so ruthless to me, even if you don't want to touch me, then there are other ways, I just want a child, you just need to give me a child, then I am willing to do anything."

Even if you don't want to touch me, there are other ways.

When he heard this, the corners of Li Beichen's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

This made Li Beichen think of Su Nian's words comparing himself to a seed machine! ! !
Just when Su Nian was proud of his attention, Li Jianhong let her go: "No, Su Nian, you'd better give up this idea immediately."

Su Nian was taken aback by these words.

Especially when he saw Li Jianhong's scowling face.

"Su Nian, I know you like Beichen, but don't be so inferior. Even if Beichen is my son, I can't let you do this. If I really see you degenerate like this, then Even if I die, I won't be able to see your father."

Su Nian was yelled at by Li Jianhong until he stood up.

She lowered her head and listened quietly to the training.

[It shouldn't be, in the last life, the father was very happy when Mo Bao was born, why is that so. 】

[What is wrong. 】

Su Nian was really puzzled.

But at this moment, she suddenly thought that the old man in her previous life would always have some inexplicable eyes when looking at her stomach.

She thought it was because of Li Beichen's absence, but now it seems.

The look in the old man's eyes was also a bit tangled.

When thinking of this, she raised her head.

At this time, she looked at the old man again, and the anger in the old man's eyes was less at the moment, but more distressed: "Nian Nian, there may not be only one man in this world, don't be like this."

When Su Nian heard this, tears came down.

It's not a show this time.

Not fake.

"I'm sorry Dad."

"You are not sorry for me, but yourself." Li Jianhong's face was full of helplessness, and he let out a long sigh of relief: "You leave me for a while, you need to calm down."

(End of this chapter)

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