Chapter 179 The Perfect Chess Piece
In the ward.

Lan Ya was on the phone frantically.

Frantically calling Huo Linyuan, Li Beichen, and Lu Jing.

But none of the three men got through.

She watched the report on TV and was really panicked.

Why did Lu Jing suddenly betray Lin Yuan? What if Lin Yuan suspected that she had colluded with Lu Jing, betrayed him, and misunderstood himself.

Just at this time, the nurse came to make rounds.

Lan Yi grabbed the nurse: "Where is Beichen, and where is Lu Jing, can you call them here?"

"Miss Lan, your body is very weak now, don't mess around." The nurse directly comforted her when she saw her.

But how could Lan Ni listen to it now: "I want to see them, you find him, come here quickly, I want to see them, hurry up."

The more Lan Ya said this, the paler her face became.

The nurse couldn't stand it anymore, so she hurriedly called the doctor.

Soon the ward became lively.

Li Beichen and Lu Jing saw all such pictures through surveillance.

Lu Jing looked at Lan Ya's uncomfortable look, he was really restless at the moment, he wanted to say something.

But thinking of my plan to "fight the snipe and the clam for the fisherman's profit", I put up with such thoughts.

Li Beichen caught Lu Jing's expression in his eyes, and then deliberately said: "Be patient, Lan Yu, as long as Huo Linyuan is gone, then you will only be mine, and no one can snatch it from me."

Sure enough, these words made Lu Jing, who was originally restless, calm down all of a sudden.

And he taunted directly: "Li Beichen, you really know how to pretend, if you really love Ni'er, then you won't be moved at all when you see Er'er, even I think you don't have Er'er in your heart at all." , you know how uncomfortable I feel now, I feel like I've been bitten by bugs all over my body."

"You are not the roundworm in my stomach. How do you know that I am not uncomfortable? No one in this world suffers more than me." Li Beichen has been controlled by the so-called plot for so long, no matter what he understands: "But I If not, then Lana will not know who is the best to her in this world, after all, I put everything I have in front of her before, and she doesn't want it."

Li Beichen can now be sure that his thoughts are correct.

Because after he fanned Lu Jing to deal with Huo Linyuan, he bribed the people around him.

So he knew that there was nothing abnormal about Lu Jing and Huo Linyuan after they met, maybe it was because he hadn't awakened with himself, and it happened that he was a perfect pawn.

The perfect pawn that allows him to take care of Huo Linyuan and Lan Ni.

Sure enough, after he said this, a disdainful expression appeared on Lu Jing's face.

"You're so cruel. If you're like this, if K'er can fall in love with you, then K'er has something wrong with his brain. You're not like me at all. Put K'er first." After Lu Jing said this, he immediately He walked outside with an "outraged" look.

Seeing Lu Jing's expression, Li Beichen understood that this guy would not be able to appear in front of Lan Ni for a while.

Li Beichen turned his attention to the surveillance video again.

He and Lu Jing didn't show up, so you're so anxious?
You must know that he specially arranged for someone to report to her about Huo Linyuan's current situation.

At the same time, Lu Jing's people would also whisper in Huo Linyuan's ears.

In this way, the so-called male and female protagonists are done at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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