The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

For a chapter like Chapter 186, Huo Linyuan wouldn't say a chapter about letting the plot contr

Chapter 186 If that's the case, Huo Linyuan won't say anything to let the plot control him!

Li Beichen's heart panicked now.

Damn, at this moment, the body is occupied by the plot.

He grabbed Su Nian's hand with all his strength, trying to control his body.

"A person like you is not worthy of loving Er, so I never regard you as my enemy, I should let Er see you now."

Taking advantage of this moment, Huo Linyuan punched Li Beichen hard.

Li Beichen, who was losing control of his body, had no chance to resist now, and was directly hit by this punch.

He fell to his knees all at once.

But even so, he still didn't let go of Su Nian's hand.

Su Nian also sensed that something was wrong with Li Beichen.

"Beichen, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Su Nian's voice, Li Beichen suddenly gained strength and stood up all at once.

At this moment, the veins on Li Beichen's face popped up, and he shouted with all his strength: "Su Nian is my wife, no one can take her away from me!"

"Hehe, your wife, don't you think this is a bit funny? When did you, Li Beichen, regard this woman as your wife? If you really regarded this woman as your wife, then you would not pester my woman. Li Beichen, even if you want to find a reason, can you not find such a ridiculous reason, this reason is really laughable."

Following Huo Linyuan's words, Li Beichen's strength dissipated again.

Li Beichen understood.

It was because what Huo Linyuan said was a disguised reminder of his personality.

The plot is in control again.

He tried hard to catch Su Nian, but his strength was slowly fading.

He looked at Su Nian.

At this moment, Su Nian was shocked when he saw Li Beichen's eyes.

She felt that she might have a brain problem, how could she have such an idea.

But by some coincidence, he took Li Beichen's hand instead.

The two men shook hands.

Huo Linyuan's attack did not intend to weaken at all, he resisted it with all his might.

Li Beichen is now on the defensive.

He was looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to make Huo Linyuan shut up.

One hit must be hit.

In this case, Huo Linyuan would not say anything to let the plot control him!

Finally, Li Beichen found a chance.

But holding Su Nian's hand now, the strength of his fist will be greatly weakened, and he cannot be sure to hit with one blow.

The only way is to let go of Su Nian's hand.

But if let go...

Success or failure is always a matter of thought.

He let go!Then he rushed towards Huo Linyuan with all his strength.

But at this moment, Huo Linyuan suddenly shouted again: "I have endured it for so long, the purpose is to bring Su Nian back to Lan Yi, no one died today, no one can stop me from saving Lan Yi, even the gods I can't stop it!"

With these words, Li Beichen's strength disappeared immediately.

Huo Linyuan punched him in the stomach.

But this time, he couldn't feel the pain.

Why, why!

Li Beichen tried hard to control his body and regain his strength.

"Be careful."

This sound brought Li Beichen back to his senses.

Immediately, he saw Su Nian standing in front of him.

[No one wants to touch my child's father! 】

Su Nian directly tried to help Li Beichen block Huo Linyuan's punch.

"Li Beichen, do you really want to watch Lan Ya die? I know you want to use this trick to win Lan Ya's heart, but in the current situation, I'm worried that Lan Ya is at a critical juncture. Do you want to get Lan Ya? dead body?"

Then Li Beichen saw Huo Linyuan grab Su Nian and drag her away.

no, do not want.

He couldn't let Su Nian be taken away by Huo Linyuan like this.

(End of this chapter)

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