Chapter 330 The Happy Old Man

Even so, Li Beichen stretched out his hand to hold Su Nian in his arms: "Actually, I've seen you knitting the old man's sweater these days. I'm very jealous. I'm not afraid of your jokes. These sweaters are all broken. After all, I don't have any. Why does the old man have them.

But I can't bear to think that it was your painstaking efforts for so many days. "

At this moment, Li Beichen really felt that the blood in his body was hot.

These words reminded Su Nian.

These days, Li Beichen seems to be in meetings all the time, busy with all kinds of things.

Is this the reason.

When thinking of this, Su Nian wanted to laugh.

【o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) I just think it’s for the old man. If I don’t give it to this guy, it won’t look good, so I just made one by the way. 】

No matter what the reason was, Li Beichen was very happy.

After all, Su Nian made it stitch by stitch.

For him, these are the most unique clothes in the world.

"Thank you, Su Nian."

"You're welcome, you are my beloved man, I am also very happy to make clothes for my beloved man." Su Nian said with a smile. After all, she has worked hard, and she still has to say what should be said on the scene.

After hugging Su Nianti for a while.

Just start trying on clothes.

It was his size and fit perfectly.

The pure black sweater was worn on his slender body, which added a bit of chill to the whole person.

Su Nianzhi next to him watched with his head bent, but his eyes were full of pity.

[Hey, when I was making this dress, I wanted to make a pattern of flowers and wealth on this guy's chest, but I thought that if I couldn't make it, then this guy wouldn't be able to wear it either, so I gave up because I didn't want to waste my efforts. 】

[If Li Beichen really has this pattern on his chest, it must be very beautiful! 】

Li Beichen, who was trying on clothes, smiled.

If Su Nian really made such a pattern, he would definitely wear it.

the following few days.

Everyone in the Li Group could see that their president appeared in various places wearing a black sweater.

Although it's early autumn, it's not cold at all, and there are even female staff wearing summer clothes.

So Li Beichen's situation.

Just special maverick.

This confuses everyone in the company.

Is Li Beichen not feeling well?

However, Zhou Xu "coincidentally" explained in the tea room that his wife made it for Li Beichen herself, which made everyone suddenly realize.

And the whole company ate dog food.

After Li Jianhong knew the news, he rushed to Su Nian immediately.

Although he really hopes that his son and daughter-in-law can be harmonious and beautiful.

but!He wants it too!
At least you can't make a brat be too embarrassing.

But before Li Jianhong opened his mouth, Su Nian took the initiative to hand several boxes in front of him: "Dad, here are the sweaters I made for you. I made four for now. See which one you like."

Li Jianhong glanced at the box: "What if I like them all?"

Su Nian has a cute face: "That's the best, take them all, I originally made it easier for you to change clothes and weave more, but I'm worried that some of them are not very good and you are not satisfied, so I let you choose." pick."

Now Li Jianhong was happy: "Niannian, you really are the most filial to your father, ouch, ouch, you are so skillful, I will go to have a tea party with those old men tomorrow, and I will wear this dress, hahaha, after all their My daughter-in-law is absolutely inferior to my Niannian." But when he said this, Li Jianhong remembered the news and asked, "How many pieces does Bei Chen have?"

"One piece." Su Nian replied honestly.

Li Jianhong was even happier now.

Then there was a scene of the chairman of the company dangling in a sweater.

(End of this chapter)

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