The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 361 This chapter is as if I started with him

Chapter 361 It's as if I started with him

When it comes time to get the certificate, no, it should be the day to reissue the marriage certificate.

Su Niancai completely felt Li Beichen's seriousness.

Because Li Beichen personally prepared the top and bottom of her clothes, inside and out.

Such a posture made Su Nian feel that she was not going to reapply for a certificate, but to get a certificate.

So Su Nian looked at the person who was arranging his tie beside him: "We look like we are going to get married."

Li Beichen paused.

All he wanted was to start over.

Li Beichen has tossed and turned since Li Beichen found out that the marriage certificate was too casual, and couldn't sleep well.

But he felt that getting married after divorce was unlucky, and he couldn't think of a reason not to make Su Nian think too much. If Su Nian thought too much, the precarious relationship between them would be even worse.

Now after Su Nian said this, he paused for a while: "Just treat it as if we were going to get married."

Su Nian was just asking casually, even with a bit of sarcasm.

I didn't expect to get such an answer.

Then Li Beichen walked in front of her and straightened her body: "As the old man said, I was blind before and didn't see your goodness. I wronged you. All the procedures between us are so hasty. Would you like to give me a chance and start over with me?"

When Su Nian heard this, there was only one sentence in her mind.

【What you said is like I started with him? 】

But at the next moment, she couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Because Li Beichen knelt down on one knee directly: "Su Nian, please start over with me."

The sincerity in Li Beichen's eyes made Su Nian not have any doubts.

Su Nian thought, no matter what time will happen in the future in this life, no matter whether Li Beichen is sincere or not, Su Nian feels that she will never forget such a scene in this life.

She smiled: "Are you proposing to me?"

Li Beichen shook his head: "No, I'm apologizing to you, for my previous mistakes, and asking you to start over with me. If you propose marriage... it's not very respectful to you. If you want it, then I will make it up to you. I owe you I will give you everything you have, as long as you give me this chance."


Su Nian looked at the man in front of him.

And Li Beichen was in Su Nian's sight, and said word by word: "Su Nian, you are willing to give me a chance so that we can start over again, so that I can slowly make up for you and make up for the so-called crimes I once committed. Mistake, make up for all the pain I have caused you." When he said this, everything in the dream appeared in Li Beichen's mind.

He is despicable and cowardly.

I dare not ask Su Nian for confirmation, whether those are dreams or not.

"But your current appearance really looks like a marriage proposal." Su Nian's smile slowly climbed onto her cheeks.

After hearing this, Li Beichen acted in a contemplative manner very cooperatively: "But if you kneel on the ground, it's like going to a grave."

Let Su Nian break the defense all at once.

"But since you said it was like a marriage proposal, it just so happens that I have a ring here." Li Beichen took out a ring box from his pocket as he spoke.

Su Nian:! ! !
[Why does he have a ring box. 】

Li Beichen originally wanted to find an opportunity to put it on for Su Nian today, but now that the opportunity comes to his door, of course he should cherish it.

Su Nian is not stupid, of course she can see Li Beichen's preparation.

"So Su Nian, are you willing to give me this chance?" Li Beichen said solemnly again.

Su Nian smiled and passed her hand over.

(End of this chapter)

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