Chapter 401 Is there such a charge?
Against social customs?

Su Nian couldn't believe it when he heard this.

What is violating customs.

Have this charge?

"Sorry, can you tell me specifically what I have violated. You must know that all our procedures are complete, and we only started after obtaining permission."

Su Nian knew Zhou Xu's ability to handle affairs.

Impossible to go wrong.

"Why is there no problem? You provoked gender antagonism and caused great social harm. Ms. Su, sorry, you need to go to the police station with us."

The current situation really confuses Su Nian.

opposite sexes.

She really didn't know about this crime.

Sun Yinger quickly said: "As far as I know, there is no such charge. If you want to take my sister away with this charge, then we will not agree."

Su Nian also reacted.

This charge may not be true at all, but Huo Linyuan and the others just made up this reason because they wanted to suspend the draft.

Haha, this hero is really awesome.

Su Nian felt that if he saw the male lead, he would have to ask the male lead if he had become the master of this world, and he was so powerful that he could add laws at will.

"It's true that there is no such charge, but you provoked the confrontation between men and women in the eyes of so many people, and so loudly advocated it. Isn't this destroying social stability? Destroying social order, as policemen, we should maintain society Law, who are you, what qualifications do you have to fight against these, do you have the heart to endanger the whole society?"

Harm the whole society...

Although Su Nian knows very well that it is a very stupid thing to talk about logic in the novels of Dog Blood Mary Su.

But... It's really a bit too much to talk about the whole society in just a few words.

"If I remember correctly, Miss Su, you are very familiar with the law, and for this reason, you once sent a person to the police station a few days ago, and even faced your charges." When the man said this, he said After a pause: "I think Miss Su, you must not be the kind of crow who can only see the blackness on others but not yourself."

Come prepared.

"I followed the normal law. As far as I know, I haven't broken any laws at present."

"Miss Su, if you think you haven't violated any laws, why don't you come with us, now that so many people are watching, don't you want to give an explanation?" The policeman who spoke looked at Su Nian with a smile.

Su Nian glanced at Lan Ni at this moment.

Although she didn't want to admit it very much, this Lang Ye was quite similar.

Sun Yinger said at this time: "I did what happened this time, and I am the main person in charge. If you have anything to do, then you can just find me."

"Sister, they are coming after me." Su Nian stopped her.

But in such a menacing situation, Sun Yinger was really a little scared.

Only then did she realize that Zhou Xu was not there.

What about Zhou Xu?

When thinking of this, Sun Yinger really wanted to kill herself.

Because Zhou Xu seems to have gone to make clothes.

"Miss, when we came, this Miss Su was talking on the stage. I understand that you are worried about your friends, but now what can we do under the watchful eyes of everyone."

Su Nian, who was indifferent at first, changed his face when he heard this.

Immediately, she hurriedly whispered a few words in Sun Yinger's ear.

Just such a few simple words also changed Sun Yinger's face, but Sun Yinger looked at Su Nian's eyes and could only leave.

(End of this chapter)

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