Chapter 444
"Do you want to comfort me?"

Lu Jing nodded seriously.

Lan Ya really wants to find someone to talk to right now.

But facing a face that looked like a pig's head, she really couldn't tell.

Even... I feel like laughing a little now.

"Xiner, oh, I will have Yuan by my side, I will post 4"

"Will you always be by my side?"

Lu Jing nodded.

But Lan Ya really couldn't be moved.

She felt that she couldn't stay here anymore. If she continued to stay here, she would be very embarrassed after laughing.

"Lu Jing, I'm very aware of your kindness. Thank you for your comfort. I'm in a better mood now. It suddenly occurred to me that I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first. I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free."

"Xiner, Xiner"

In this way, Lu Jing could only watch Lan Ni walk away step by step.

Now Lu Jing really wanted to slap himself.

Why should you believe that woman's words.

If he didn't believe that woman, then how could he miss this opportunity.

Lu Jing felt that things couldn't be settled like this.

Absolutely not.

Immediately, Lu Jing came to Sun Yinger as quickly as possible.

"A woman with this amount, oh, I'll let you pay..." The harder Lu Jing tried to speak clearly, the more his face hurt. He had no choice but to take out his phone and write his thoughts What he said was typed on the mobile phone, and then handed to Sun Yinger.

Su Nian saw Lu Jing taking out his mobile phone to fight.

Just got together.

"Young Master Lu, do you want to quarrel with my sister? How about this? I'll read the words on the phone for you, so that it will be convenient for you to quarrel."

Lu Jing glared viciously.

But there is still no other way.

It can only be so.

Immediately, Su Nian cleared her throat: "Sun Yinger, you vicious woman, I will definitely make you pay the price, exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point exclamation point."

Lu Jing: ...

This made Lu Jing so angry that he immediately took the phone and continued typing.

After typing, he handed it to Su Nian again.

"You don't need to read the exclamation mark." When Su Nian finished reading this sentence, his eyes were full of doubts: "But if you don't read the exclamation point, then you won't be able to show your anger, Young Master Lu. Isn't it just to express your anger, Young Master Lu? Are you angry? Didn't you go to school, Young Master Lu? Don't you know the importance of punctuation marks in sentences?"

Sun Yinger next to her covered her stomach and laughed.


It's really amazing.

Sun Yinger is a little lucky now, she has long since abandoned the dark and turned to the bright.

"Hahaha, Nian Nian, don't embarrass Young Master Lu. After all, Young Master Lu can't even speak. If you are teasing Young Master Lu like this, then you are really cruel. After all, you are the one who came up with the idea of ​​the medicine. You toss people like this, you still gloat so much, but it's really a bit cool."

Su Nian turned around Lu Shao: "Sister, you can't say that, I really think our Lu Shao is so pitiful, I really can't bear it, I'm your sister, you can't be like this To measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

It's all right now, Lu Jing immediately turned his head and looked at Su Nian viciously.

"Young Master Lu, don't worry, you can quarrel with my sister as much as you want. Although I call her sister, I have no advantages as a person, except that I am very sympathetic."

If Lu Jing hasn't realized that he is being played around by this woman, then he is a fool.

Immediately want to do it.

But Su Nian didn't panic at all: "Young Master Lu, do you think Lan Ni would like a man who hits a woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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