Chapter 470 Bei Chen, Be Good
Li Beichen knew better than anyone else.

How much effort did I use last time to control myself.

Now here again, today seems to be tough again.

He couldn't help but smiled helplessly in his heart.

But the next moment, the man's face suddenly changed.

Because Su Nian said: "Okay then, you can continue to work here, I'm going to visit my sister to play."

Li Beichen:! ! !

He raised his head, and saw the woman running out without looking back.

[Heh man, I don’t know how many times you peeked at me just now, it seems that this method is useful. 】

[If you know that you can't eat a fat man with one bite, you'll stop here this time, let's go play first~]

Just run out like this...

When thinking that others would see Su Nian like this, Li Beichen just thought about it and wanted to kill someone.

Immediately stood up and hurried over.

When Su Nian just opened the door, he directly grabbed her and pulled her into his arms very directly.

"what happened?"

Li Beichen didn't know what to say.

"Do you have anything to do?" Su Nian asked again: "Didn't you just say that you have a lot of things to do? Then what are you doing, your documents are very important."

"You're going to go out in the kind of clothes you're wearing."

Su Nian could hear the displeasure in Li Beichen's voice.

[Could this guy be jealous? 】

When he heard this, Li Beichen hugged him tightly again: "I'm jealous, I should be the only one watching you like this."

Even knowing that this little woman stayed would make him burn all over.

Even so, he didn't want other men to see Su Nian like this.

"What do I look like, what's wrong with me, I'm just normal."

Li Beichen picked him up without saying a word, and put him back on the sofa: "Isn't it good to stay with me? And I found that you are too cold to me recently. You always go out with Sun Yinger recently. Although she is your sister , but I am your husband, sweetheart, you are so smart, you should know the seriousness."

"But you are so busy every day. For example, you just dealt with the company's affairs. You didn't even look at me, and you didn't talk to me. It's too boring for me to stay here."

Li Beichen lowered his eyes casually.

It is very easy to put the little woman's preserved snow in his eyes.

Not even a glance.

Hearing this, Li Beichen felt helpless in his heart.

How could he see her like this.

"Beichen, isn't it good that we've been doing this lately? You're working hard in the company, and I'm playing with my sister. When you get off work, I'll be with you."

"Susu." The man's voice was hoarse and even begging.

This caused a hint of cunning to appear in Su Nian's eyes.

[Sister's words reminded me that this guy has feelings for me, but he has been restraining himself. 】

[I don't believe it anymore, I can't play with him after living an extra life. 】

Li Beichen rubbed the woman's smooth and clean face.

Can't play.

He was just a plaything in her hands.

She is also willing to be teased by her, just begging that she is willing to play with her.

But it's just a matter of worrying about falling out of favor.

He knew very well how difficult it was to open the door in her heart, and he also understood.

But he wanted to try hard.

At least the problem of falling out of favor has been solved.

But how could the woman in his arms be an obedient canary? When he was distracted, she directly pushed her away: "Bei Chen, that's it, I'll be back when you finish your work, Bei Chen , be good~”

(End of this chapter)

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