Chapter 490 Su Nian's Fortunately

But Lu Jing's eyes lit up next to him.

If Sun Yinger really married Huo Linyuan, wouldn't she be able to miss it?

Hey, it really hurts to abuse the one you love.

You can't abuse it now.

When Sun Yinger was thinking about how to get her family to reject this cake, she saw Lu Jing smiling, just like a mouse in the gutter stealing something, which made Sun Yinger say directly: "Why are you smiling? Why should I laugh?" Forget about you, are you going to be a traitor!"

This made Su Nian also read it.

[I'll go, why is this product here. 】

[This licking dog is also here, what if our plan is leaked. 】

"Sister, let's kill people and silence them." Su Nian suggested directly.

Sun Yinger nodded seriously.

Lu Jing:! ! ! ! !
"Auntie, I'm your niece, bah, I'm your nephew, don't be like this, I really didn't hear anything, really, I swear!" Lu Jing was not afraid of these two women, but Afraid of Li Beichen next to him.

Li Beichen's serious look made the back of his neck tense.

"I will never tell the truth, and what's more, you didn't say anything confidential just now." Lu Jing felt a little nervous, and then said directly: "And Huo Linyuan's shortage of funds is basically caused by me, It can even be said that it was entirely my handwriting, and I was telling the truth at this time, so didn’t I just mention it and he smashed myself in the foot?”

Sun Yinger thinks it makes sense.

But Su Nian didn't believe it.

After all, this guy can lick better than Li Beichen before, who knows that this guy won't shoot himself in the foot.

"Okay, even if Lu Jing informs, it's fine. Do you think Huo Linyuan will trust this guy now?"

Su Nian and Sun Yinger took a deep look at Lu Jing and nodded seriously.

Lu Jing: ...

Then Su Nian brought Sun Yinger into the room to discuss, and after a long time of being kind, Sun Yinger left.

Lu Jing naturally followed Sun Yinger away.

Su Nian sighed deeply after Sun Yinger and the others left.

Seeing Su Nian like this, Li Beichen thought she was worried about the future, so he walked towards Su Nian, wanting to say something to comfort her.

But before the words of comfort could be uttered, Su Nian's inner voice was heard, and it immediately petrified.

[I was really scared to death just now. When my sister came in, I happened to be reading a pornographic book. Fortunately, I hid it quickly, otherwise I would be discovered. 】

Li Beichen: ...

[If I were discovered, then my image of being wise and mighty would be ruined. Fortunately, fortunately, I was able to hide quickly. 】

Just after Su Nian finished sighing, he turned around and saw Li Beichen's petrified appearance, so he asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Li Beichen: "It's okay, I'm just wondering if Lu Jing will talk nonsense, and what impact it will have on us if Lu Jing talks nonsense."

"My sister and I didn't say much outside just now, even if Lu Jing said nonsense, it wouldn't have much effect, and I think what you just said is right, the current Huo Linyuan may not trust him, after all, the current situation of the Huo family is also different from Lu Jing. Jing's handwriting, I don't believe that Huo Linyuan can't even find out about this."

While Su Nian was doing his analysis, Li Beichen helplessly supported his forehead.

Alas, he really didn't know what to do with himself.

After all, he and this little woman are just separated by a wall, she just... He felt that he had to find a chance to ask Sun Yinger well, and try to find a way out of the fate of leaving his father and leaving his son behind.

(End of this chapter)

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