Chapter 504 Su Nian's Sigh

Su Nian donated the money that Lu Jing gave her with great fanfare.

Even particularly brazenly let the media report it.

There is no way, the vicious female supporting role just wants such a card.

This made Su Nian very happy.

Seeing Su Nian so happy.

Li Beichen couldn't help but said, "Why don't I ask Zhou Xu to organize a foundation for you."

Su Nian, who was humming a ditty next to her, almost choked to death upon hearing this.

【I'm happy not because I do good deeds, but because I cheat people and enjoy myself. That's why I'm happy. 】

【Hey, well, do you still expect this guy to understand my thoughts? 】

"I don't think you will get money from them the next time. You can put all the money you get here in the future, and it will benefit people."

These words successfully made Su Nian's eyes brighten up.

She also understood what Li Beichen meant.

[That's right, if I set up a foundation, put on an attitude of wanting to cheat them of money in the long run, and if I spread more publicity, then it will be considered as a response to Lan Yi, hahaha. 】

[And Mary Sue has a sentimental character, with this foundation, she will definitely be more worried, worried that my vicious female partner will come up with some vicious plan to get money from the men who love her . 】

"Beichen, you're so smart, I didn't even think of it." Su Nian got up and walked towards Li Beichen.

Li Beichen likes to be looked at by Su Nian with admiration.

As for vanity, well, he admits that he has a little so-called vanity.

[By the way, setting up a foundation can be considered a good deed, so I can also count it as accumulating virtue for the unborn Mo Bao, hehe, taking other people’s money to do good deeds, and then accumulating virtue for myself, this theory sounds a bit awkward. 】

I thought of that brat again.

Li Beichen sighed helplessly.

It seems that we still have to work harder.

Immediately, he stood up, walked in front of her, and hugged Su Nian, who had stopped, in his arms: "We are husband and wife, the closest people in this world, so there is no difference between my thoughts and your thoughts, they are all the same .”

Su Nian came back to her senses and nodded.

Li Beichen followed the inside line and called someone to give instructions.

But Su Nian saw that it wasn't Zhou Xu who came in, so he asked curiously: "By the way, why haven't I seen Zhou Xu these few days? Where did he go?"

Li Beichen paused when he heard this, and then said naturally: "Zhou Xu went back to go on a blind date, so he asked me for a few days off, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious. It's time for Zhou Xu to start a family at this age, but his own conditions are quite good, so he probably doesn't need a blind date."

"I don't know that."

[I remember that in my previous life Zhou Xu seemed to have to wait a few years to get married, what's going on.After Li Beichen, the big grievance, died in his previous life, Zhou Xu stopped working as a secretary, but helped me stabilize the branch office. Although he didn't have much contact with me, he also helped me deal with a lot of troubles, and it was because of this that he was late marry. 】

[I remember that he had both sons and daughters in his previous life, but if he goes on a blind date now, can he still meet his wife from his previous life?You must know that his daughter in his previous life was so cute. The first time I saw Zhou Xu's daughter, I wanted to pick a high-quality man to have a daughter to play with. 】

Li Beichen: ...

He coughed heavily, interrupting Su Nian's messy thoughts!

Pick a fart, if you want to have sex, you can only have sex with him!

 It hurts to swallow the blade~~~
(End of this chapter)

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