"The last gift is me, don't be disgusted with it, okay?"

He hugged her and walked into the bedroom.

When the day I've been looking forward to comes.

Su Nian is not as bold as usual, always thinking wildly.

But when this day really came, her body couldn't help trembling.

After all, that night in my previous life.

It's really not particularly beautiful.

She clutched his skirt tightly.

"Don't be afraid~ I won't hurt you, I love you~"

He coaxed softly.

Coaxing her to slowly open her body.

Take him slowly.

It's said in the Bible.

When God created woman, he took the rib from man.

So it can also be said that everyone is not complete.

And today.

Li Beichen felt that he had found his lost rib.

In a dim room.

The woman's sobbing and the man's coaxing intertwined.

When the distant sky is white.

Li Beichen reluctantly kissed the little woman in his arms who was too tired to open his eyes.

No hurry, they still have a lot of time.

It's okay to take your time.

He hugged him a little tighter and closed his eyes.

Originally, Li Beichen thought that he would not be able to fall asleep at all, but unexpectedly, he fell into a dream very quickly.

Or rather, he was dreaming again.

This time, when he saw the hospital he was in, he suddenly became restless.

Why is it in the hospital.

So what happened to Su Nian.

Did Su Nian in her previous life encounter any danger again?
"Bei Chen, I beg you, please be your spirit in the sky, even if you don't like Su Nian, it's fine, I beg you, can you bless her to give birth safely." The old man's voice sounded at this moment.

Li Beichen's heart tightened suddenly.

He walked quickly towards the direction of the sound.

Immediately, he saw the old man with white hair kneeling on the ground.

Looking at the door of the delivery room with folded hands.

Su Nian could not be giving birth.

When this idea appeared, he walked directly towards it.

Then he saw the pale Su Nian lying on the delivery bed.


The pain in her body quickly hit her, distorting her expression incomparably.

Li Beichen reached out his hand to touch it.

But I can't touch it.

"It's okay, it's okay, Susu, you'll be fine, you'll be fine."

Li Beichen tried hard to touch her.

Why, why, you can meet her before, why can't you meet her this time.

The nurse next to her also reminded: "Mrs. Li, use your strength. If you continue like this, you will have dystocia, and you will die."

Li Beichen roared angrily when he heard this voice: "Shut up."

At this time, how can you say the words of killing two dead in her ear.

How did the old man arrange it.

Why is there such a situation.

Although Li Beichen knew that Su Nian had suffered a lot in his previous life.

But the reality proved that some things were still too simple for him.

"Mrs. Li, you have used so many means and painstaking efforts to get this child. Now is the most critical time. Do you want to fall short?"

Li Beichen:! ! !

How could this nurse say such a thing.

No matter how stupid Li Beichen was, he also understood that this nurse must have been arranged by someone else in order to kill Su Nian.

And Su Nian who was on the bed also understood this, she directly grabbed the nurse and said, "Shut up!"

"Mrs. Li, I'm helping you, how can I shut up, Mrs. Li, let me go, the most important thing for you now is to give birth to the child you planned in your belly."

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