The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 518 Don't You Want To Live A Two-Person World With Me?

Chapter 518 Don't You Want To Live Together With Me?

This made Su Nian couldn't help recalling the scene last night.

She has to learn her lesson.

Don't let the white prostitution happen again.

last night.

He kisses and kisses.

She just lost her mind.

The whole person is being manipulated by him casually like a doll.

In the end, it is like a flat boat.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Beichen had the cheek to surround Su Nian from behind.

No matter how depressed Su Nian was, she couldn't show it. She smiled and said, "I'm thinking about Dad, should we go back? After all, it's my honor for Dad to remember my birthday as a junior. It is indeed a bit bad to be negligent."

"He's trying to scare you, and I think he'd be happy to see our relationship go well."

Su Nian felt that he had to use some opportunities to persuade Li Beichen to cooperate with him in making calligraphy.

"Well, Dad will be happy to see that we have a good relationship. After all, Dad is so old. He will also be very happy to see that our relationship is getting better and better."

[Hey, I can bring the topic to children's issues as long as I talk, hey, I'm really a witty one. 】

Li Beichen kissed her on the cheek: "I don't think the old man is too old. He had a fight with some old men a few days ago and he didn't get hurt at all, so don't worry, his body is about the same size. If you live for 30 or [-] years."


"Don't you want to live a two-person world with me?"

When Su Nian heard this, he looked into Li Beichen's eyes.

Seeing the sincerity in the man's eyes.

Just a little bit, she was bewitched by such a sight.

Fortunately, she is determined!
Li Beichen said before Su Nian could speak: "This is my plan, the two of us will live together for two years, and we will have another child in a few years."

Su Nian:! ! !
That's right, what Li Beichen did was to take the initiative to attack.

What he was sure about was that Su Nian didn't directly talk about the child, so he brought it up first.

[Shenma said to have a baby in a few years, after a few years, my day lily will be cold. 】

[And he is over thirty this year, and the quality of the seeds will not keep up in a few years. 】

[What does this guy mean, is he going to prostitute for nothing?dream! 】

"But I want a child, a child like you, and my father is so old."

[Want to whore for nothing, dream! 】

After Su Nian finished saying this, Li Beichen directly pressed her under him again: "But we just became a real couple yesterday, you just got me yesterday, and you want another man today, sweetheart, how do you count?" It’s not like putting on a skirt and denying people.”

[Put up the skirt and deny recognition? ? ? 】

【Hmph, I put up my skirt and don't recognize anyone, that's better than this guy who just digs the ground and doesn't plant seeds. 】

Regarding calligraphy, this is a matter of principle for Su Nian, and he will never back down: "Bei Chen, I am not irresponsible. After all, I want to give birth to you, not for others. I want to give birth to a child." The shrunken version of you wants to have the crystallization of love with you, so that the blood of the two of us can be fused together, even if we are not in this world, there is still evidence of our love in this world."

Li Beichen thought about it too.

But who made the little woman in front of her want to leave her father and keep her son.

In order not to fall out of favor, he had to find a way.

But the next moment, Li Beichen's expression changed.

Because Su Nian put her arms around his neck and said, "Bei Chen, I know there are some things I shouldn't say, but your age is also here. For the first time yesterday, you have a little more time. In case we have another child in a few years if……"

(End of this chapter)

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