The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 525 It's Not Too Much for the Junior to Knock the Elder

Chapter 525 It's Not Too Much for the Junior to Knock the Elder


Mr. Lin took the lead to walk to the sofa and sat down: "I don't know what you guys think, but from today on, Lan Ni is my granddaughter. Anyone who bullies my granddaughter will have trouble with my Lin family."

Su Nian looked at Mr. Lin.

【If I remember correctly, this didn't happen in my previous life. 】

[Well, as the heroine of Lan Ni, as a heroine who is loved by everyone and blossoms when flowers bloom, it seems that multiple grandfathers are not a popular thing. As long as the author of this novel has a problem with his mind, then even if there are several It's normal to have a close parent. 】

[As we all know, writing Mary Su novels does not require any so-called brains. 】

Li Beichen found the key information from Su Nian's complaints.

There was no such thing in my previous life.

During these days, for their future, Li Beichen studied the novels about wearing clothes.

Although Li Beichen also knew that they were originally in the world of novels, and then looking for some novels to study, it did feel a bit like taking off their pants and farting, but there was nothing they could do.

However, now I heard Su Nian say.

Never happened in the previous life.

Li Beichen felt that if things that didn't happen in the previous life happened more, it would be better.

In this case, they can also be said to have broken away from the original world track in a sense.

Only then can he better change their fate.

When Li Jianhong heard this, he sneered coldly, then looked at Su Nian, and said in a serious voice: "Nian Nian, did you hear that? Your uncle Lin said so, if you don't bully this Lan Ya, then it's unreasonable, so don't be polite, you can bully as much as you want."

Mr. Lin: ...

Although he knew that Li Jianhong, an old man, liked to play against him, but he didn't expect that he would play against him like this.

Su Nian showed a thoughtful look: "Wait a minute, I have a doubt, who can explain it to me."

These words successfully made the two old men look over.

"If Lan Yi recognizes Mr. Lin as your grandfather, then according to seniority, I will become her aunt, and Bei Chen will become her uncle. Should we give a meeting gift now?"

Mr. Lin: ...

Lan Ya: ...

Su Nian's focus is slightly different.

Li Jianhong slapped his thigh directly and fiercely: "Yes, yes, I still think that you are smart. You and Beichen should prepare a meeting ceremony as elders. If you don't even prepare a meeting ceremony and spread it, it will definitely make people laugh." I feel like there are no rules in our family.”

Hmph, damn old man Lin, didn't he accept his granddaughter?
Su Nian walked up to Lan Ni: "It's the first time you come to see me as a senior, as a junior, it's not too much for you to knock me down as a junior."

Lan Ya: ...

Mr. Lin immediately slapped the table hard: "Su Nian, what do you mean by that?"

"Old Lin, what's wrong with the younger generation kowtowing to the elders when they see the elders? Is this also considered embarrassing? If you really feel that I am embarrassing, old man, then I apologize to you now. After all, I don't know your tutor, old man, and you It's different, it's not as strict as my family's rules." When Su Nian said this, she lowered her head slightly, showing a guilty look.

(End of this chapter)

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