Taking advantage of Li Beichen's meeting time, Su Nian sneaked out of the company.

She doesn't want to be in the company anymore.

She was afraid that she would die of depression.

But after wandering on the street for a while, Su Nian felt that it was not interesting.

At this time, she saw a clothes seller next to her.

Su Nian just remembered.

I got a company from the hands of the hero Huo Linyuan.

And the hostess is still working as a senior executive in that company.

Since there is nothing to do now, let's go to the company to have a look.

Anyway, dangling is dangling.

When she came to the place, Su Nian thought that what she saw was a mess. After all, she didn't care about the company after being tricked by the male lead.

How could the male protagonist maintain the company's operation with good intentions.

But what she saw was that the whole company was in order.

This made Su Nian a little curious.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Sun Yinger: Sister, do you still remember the company I got from Huo Linyuan a few days ago?
Sun Yinger on the opposite side responded immediately: Why did you suddenly think of this?

Sun Yinger: My big light bulb is gone, don't you and Li Beichen have a good time together?
Sun Yinger: Hey, if I had known earlier, I shouldn't have left. After all, you were not in a hurry at all. That's right, last night's lovesickness was enough.

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Su Nian, who has always been thick-skinned, is really a little shy.

But a joke is a joke, and Sun Yinger also knows to talk about serious things: what happened to that company.

Su Nian: I didn’t have anything to do today and suddenly thought of it. We still have this company in our hands, so I came to take a look. I thought what I saw would be a messy company, but I didn’t expect this company to be so messy. It's in good order, sister, have you come to take care of it?
The reason why Su Nian would ask such a question.

It was because if Zhou Xu got involved in this company, he would definitely notify himself.

After all, the company is nothing but a need for manpower.

She is now the direct legal person of the company, and she needs to handle all tax matters.And recently she has forgotten about this company. If she guessed right, then Zhou Xu should have forgotten too.

Just when Su Nian was puzzled, a staff member came to her at this moment and said respectfully, "President Su, what are you doing here?"

Su Nian turned her head when she heard this.

Watch the staff.

The staff saw Su Nian's doubts: "Mr. Su, you may not know me. I am the front desk of this company. My surname is Ding. You can just call me Xiaoding. If you have any orders, then I can serve you all the way."

Su Nian nodded perfunctorily.

"I have nothing to do, I just came here to have a look."

Xiao Ding: "It turns out that this is the case, Mr. Su, you are here for the first time, and you must not be very familiar with these places. How about this, I will take you to visit."

Su Nian looked at the person in front of him who called himself the front desk, why did he feel a little awkward.

But I can't tell, what is awkward.

But she still followed Xiao Ding to visit honestly.

"Hi Mr. Su, what we are looking at now is the design department of the entire company. The design department is responsible for designing clothes. If the design department designs clothes well, then we will get the pattern..."

Xiao Ding introduced it in great detail.

But Su Nian still felt a little weird.

This strange feeling is indescribable.

"Company, everything is in order." Su Nian said casually.

When Xiao Ding heard this, the smile on his face increased: "Mr. Su, all of this is due to Mr. Lan. Without Mr. Lan, our company would be in chaos."

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