Chapter 547 What Li Beichen mentioned

These words really made Su Nian a little angry.

【What is he talking about. 】

[I don't recognize people when I put on skirts, but he's just prostituted me for nothing, but I really want to not recognize people when I wear skirts. 】

Since my little woman has such a big opinion.

Li Beichen had no choice but to coax him well, and then he hugged him directly: "What's the matter, am I right?"

Under Li Beichen's eyes, Su Nian nodded seriously, and put on a puzzled look: "Who are you?"

"I really don't know each other~"

Su Nian nodded.

"Impossible, we became one in the morning, and we can even be said to be the closest people in the world. How can you say that you don't recognize people if you don't recognize them? And the baby I know is not such a person , you are not my baby? But you are clearly the same as my baby, what is wrong? "

Li Beichen's eyes became puzzled.

If you don't know, seeing him like this, you might think that he has encountered a major problem.

Seeing Li Beichen like this, Su Nian was also a little curious about what he wanted to do.

I saw the man gently stroking her face with his hand.

Slightly rough fingers walked on her jade-like skin.

"I am very familiar with my baby, let me check it carefully to see if someone is pretending to be my baby, if it is really a little bit pretending to be my baby, then I will definitely let that person pay this price The worst price in the world."

But Li Beichen's words made Su Nian couldn't help laughing: "You are obviously taking advantage of me with such an inspection. If I am really a fake, then you have not betrayed your baby."

When Li Beichen heard this, he stopped moving: "You have a reason for saying that."

The next moment, Su Nian was pressed on the desk.

"What do you want to do?"

"What you said is indeed reasonable, so if I really find out that you are a fake, then I can only make you disappear in this world. If you disappear, I will not be considered a betrayal."

This made Su Nian laugh directly.

She blocked the body that was going to bully her with her hands: "You are going too far, you took advantage of me, and you want my life."

"Is it too much? Not too much. Let me check it out and see if you are my baby."

A man who eats meat is actually quite scary.

Especially for women who have been coveting for a long time.

In the past, Li Beichen always listened to Su Nian saying in a mess in his heart that he was not some kind of eunuch, and he had feelings at that time.

But restraint.

In the current situation, it is obvious that there is no need for restraint.

He pressed people under his body: "Baby, can I give you an opinion?"

Su Nian: "Huh?"

The man bent down and pressed against her ear: "Can you wear that zippered skirt in the future?" Li Beichen paused for a while when he said this: "This is more convenient."

Su Nian's eyes suddenly widened.

Su Nian:! ! ! ! ! !

"Bei Chen, I'm a bit overwhelmed."

This is Su Nian speaking seriously, after all last night, and then this morning...

The man put her earlobe in his mouth.

Su Nian's body couldn't help but shuddered due to his actions.

"Now I can be sure that you are my baby, because your body moves with my movements and reacts, and it will soon turn into a puddle of water."

After Li Beichen finished speaking, he picked her up and carried her to the lounge.

(End of this chapter)

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