Chapter 557
out of the conference room.

Lan Ni stopped Su Nian: "Su Nian, what exactly do you want to do?"

Jalan's voice just fell.

The next moment, Su Nian directly grabbed her clothes and pushed her against the wall.

Such a posture made the aggressive heroine suddenly look like a deflated ball.

"What do I want to do, and I also want to know what you want to do, Lan Ni, don't you want to try to snatch Beichen away from me? Don't you think there is something wrong with your mind if you ask me about this topic now?" ?”

"If you can't afford it, then just disappear and don't appear in front of me."

After Su Nianzai said this, he immediately let go.

And show the vicious face of a vicious female supporting role.

But when Su Nian took a few steps, he stopped.

"Don't squeeze your fists behind me and look at me with red eyes. If you have pink eye disease and dangle in front of me with two red eye sockets, causing me to have nightmares at night and be frightened, don't blame me for asking you for compensation for mental damage. .”


Su Nian and Sun Yinger walked out of the company.

Sun Yinger began to applaud: "Nian Nian, you are so handsome, I am a little lucky now, I am glad that I am not your opponent, if I were your opponent, then I will definitely be played badly by you, After all, no one can imagine what you will do next."

Zhou Xu next to him also nodded at this time.

Being looked at with such eyes, Su Nian is still somewhat proud: "Don't look at me like that, if you look at me like that, maybe I will be proud."

"Proud, you are so smart, it's normal for you to be proud."

"Actually, you also said, I'm playing, don't hold revenge, just play, how can you think about how to make you happy, you may be the same as me."

Sun Yinger couldn't help thinking when she heard this.

It makes sense.

When Su Nian started the car, he suddenly thought of something: "Sister, wait for me here, I'll go down and buy something."

After saying this, Su Nian got out of the car.

Then I walked into the pharmacy on the side of the road.

When Su Nian came back, Sun Yinger just recovered.

Seeing that Su Nian was carrying a pharmacy bag in his hand, he immediately asked nervously, "Nian Nian, how do you go to buy medicine? What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing uncomfortable, just buy some common medicine, and you see I'm alive and kicking, do you seem to be sick?"

When Su Nian stepped into the house, she saw Li Beichen sitting on the sofa.

But Su Nian had no intention of talking to Li Beichen at all.

Instead, he hurriedly walked inside.

Seeing Su Nian like this, Li Beichen frowned subconsciously.

After all, he was in such a hurry, did he encounter something?

When Li Beichen got up and followed in the direction Su Nian was walking.

Su Nian's expectant voice sounded in his mind.

[Calculate carefully, I seem to have been in the same room with Li Beichen for more than seven days, hehe, although the prostitute has taken measures, but just in case! ! ! 】

[After all, there are thousands of troops, what if something slips through the net? ? ? 】

What if? ? ?
Li Beichen's face changed drastically when he heard these words.

At this time, Li Beichen thought of what Su Nian often said.

In their previous life, they had only lived together once as a married couple...they had calligraphy.

What if?
When he thought of this, Li Beichen quickened his pace and chased in the direction Su Nian left.

 Don't worry about Mo Bao's affairs. My idea is that if a certain prostitute becomes more and more confident, he will overturn. After all, Mo Bao is not his good baby, but a back wave who can pat someone on the beach.

  And you have been watching me for so long, you should understand my mental state, how can I write it regularly
  Maybe the heroine is already pregnant, I laid the groundwork, hehe
(End of this chapter)

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