The villainous female supporting role was eavesdropped on her voice

Chapter 561 Lu Jing: I want to embarrass Su Nian

When Li Beichen woke up.

He reached up to touch tears from his cheeks.

Li Beichen suddenly understood why he was able to dream about things from his previous life.

Maybe it was because God wanted him to make up for Su Nian and Mo Bao in this life.

I can let myself make up for their regrets in their previous lives.

"Why are you crying again? Why have you been having nightmares these days?" Su Nian's puzzled voice sounded in Li Beichen's ear.

Li Beichen stretched out his hand to hold him in his arms, and murmured, "It's not a nightmare, it's a sweet dream."

Su Nian was puzzled when he heard Li Beichen's words.

After all, who would cry because of a sweet dream?

Just when Su Nian was wondering.

Li Beichen's voice sounded again: "I dreamed that you gave me a lovely child like me."

After Li Beichen finished speaking, he obviously felt the person in his arms go stiff.

[It’s okay if the white prostitute doesn’t say this, but it reminds me why the child I worked so hard to give birth to is exactly like him. 】

[In novels, it is true that the children born to the female protagonist are exactly the same as the male protagonist, but I am not the female protagonist.Why is Mo Bao not a bit like me. 】

[Although he is also very handsome, he is more or less unwilling. 】

Li Beichen signed a kiss on Su Nian's forehead while Su Nian was complaining.

Although Mo Bao in the dream is very cute.

But Li Beichen still wanted Su Nian to love him.

To be able to like myself a little bit.

Even if only a little bit.

After he dreamed about those things, he no longer expected to have a higher status in her heart than Mo Bao,

I just want to make her love a little bit, like a little bit.

"Really, that's a good sign. When we have a child in the future, he must be the cutest and smartest child in the world."

"Yes, our children must be the smartest, most obedient and best-looking children in the world."

Li Beichen hugged Su Nian tightly.

【Hahaha, is this a sign? Next, I will tell this prostitute about the child, and then I can slowly... Hehe, Mo Bao can definitely handle it. 】

Li Beichen also swore secretly in his heart.

I swear that this life will definitely make Su Nian and Mo Bao happy.


Su Nian is in a good mood.

Humming while walking.

But this good mood disappeared the moment she stepped out the door.

Because there is a person lying in front of the house.

It's none other than Lu Jing! ! ! ! !
You must know that this is a well-known wealthy district in the city.

Those who live around are either rich or expensive.

And Lu Jing just lay down, and there was a sign hanging on it.

Su Nian's damn curiosity made her step forward.

"A pure and innocent boy was brutally played by a scum girl. Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality. I beg everyone who passed by to make decisions for me, an innocent boy."

Su Nian: ...

Su Nian: "Did I play with you??? And you're an innocent boy, how old are you, you're still a boy."

"Auntie, don't underestimate me. Although I'm young, I'm an authentic boy, so I'm not a boy anymore." Lu Jing, who was lying on the ground, snorted proudly at this point.

Su Nian: ...

"Auntie, I don't want to do this either. I really can't find Sun Yinger. She's hiding too tightly. I can't help it." After being dragged away by Lu Jing, Lu Jing felt very uncomfortable.

His witty little brain suddenly opened up.

Since Su Nian and the others are unkind, don't blame him for being unrighteous.

So he decides! ! !He wants to embarrass them both! ! ! ! ! ! !

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