Chapter 566 The Eighth Dream ([-])
But Su Nian is not a fool.

She held Mo Bao's hand distressedly, and checked his palm.

Seeing that there were many blisters on Mo Bao's immature hands, she burst into tears.

"If you really love me, mom, then you can eat obediently. In this case, it is not in vain to make my hands look like this."

When he said this, Mo Bao broke free, wiped Su Nian's tears, and said with a serious expression: "Mom, if you want to be a good mother, then don't let your baby be in vain." suffer like this."

Li Beichen next to him laughed when he heard this.

This kid is really smart.

Indeed, according to Su Nian's temperament, it would be useless to say something like "unlucky" and "I have nothing to do", but now if Mo Bao said it, then Su Nian would definitely take it to heart.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Su Nian immediately said, "I want to be a good mother."

Mo Bao smiled, and then motioned Su Nian to squat down with his hands.

After Su Nian squatted down, Mo Bao kissed her on the cheek: "In order to encourage mom to be obedient, I reward you with a kiss, but mom, you have to eat well after getting Mo Bao's kiss, otherwise I won't kiss you anymore."

Li Beichen walked up to Mo Bao.

Watch this as a warm child like the sun.

It warms Su Nian.

Li Beichen remembered that Su Nian once said that in another world, she grew up in an orphanage. She never had relatives and was always alone.

At this moment, the screen suddenly changed again.

Mo Bao grew up a little more.

This time, their mother and son were standing in front of Li Beichen's huge posthumous photo.

"This is your father. Your father is a very good person. When he was alive, we were very affectionate and treated my mother very well. It's a pity that God didn't want to be too cruel and separated us, but I believe that he will definitely be in heaven. will protect us."

The little ink treasure walked up to the black and white photo and looked at it carefully.

Seeing Mo Bao like this, Li Beichen felt deeply guilty.

After all, I have never fulfilled my responsibilities as a father.

Even though he knew it was Mi Niu Guiyun.

At this moment, Mo Bao's serious voice sounded: "Mom, your eyesight is really bad. This father is not as handsome as Uncle Wang next door."

Li Beichen: ...

Su Nian smiled directly at Li Beichen's miniature calligraphy.

Li Beichen, on the other hand, was thinking about who is Uncle Wang next door!
"I really don't understand what kind of taste you have, mom. Uncle Wang next door sent you so many love letters, but you didn't read any of them."

Su Nian coughed a few times.

And Mo Bao walked in front of Su Nian with his little hands behind his back, "Seriously, Mom, do you really not consider that Uncle Wang next door to be my father? After all, this father is hung on the wall, and he is destined to be my father." Won't be coming back."

"Is it appropriate for you to say this in front of your father?" Su Nian couldn't help reminding.

And Mo Bao turned his head to glance at the photo hanging on the wall, and rolled his eyes.

Then Mo Bao walked up to the photo again and said seriously: "Dad, I want to change to a new dad. Do you have any objections? If you have any objections, speak up. If you have no objections, then I will take it as your default." By default, I have found a new father." After saying this, Mo Bao looked at the photo seriously for a few minutes.

Then he turned his head to look at Su Nian again: "Mom, my father has no objection, so can you think about Uncle Wang?"

(End of this chapter)

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