"Didn't you keep saying that my child wasn't approved by Li Beichen in the first place? It's none of my business whether he rests in peace or not."

These words made Lan Ni speechless.

Li Beichen looked at Su Nian.

The current Su Nian is no longer the Su Nian who would be panicked after being questioned and killed himself.

"Lan Yi, what are you doing here!"

When Su Nian said this, countless bodyguards entered here.

One must know that the current Su Nian is actually the person in charge of the Li family.

Lan Ya's act of kidnapping Mo Bao has obviously touched her bottom line.

Pointing at Su Nian, Lan Ni said with disbelief, "Su Nian, you are really shameless. You actually want to use Bei Chen's power to hurt me. You are really shameless."

"Now I'm the head of the Li family. Don't hurt you, even if I kill you, it will be easy." Su Nian's eyes were burning with anger at the moment,

At this time, two bodyguards took control of Lan Ya.

At the same time, Huo Linyuan's voice also sounded: "I'll see who dares to touch my woman!"

"I dare to touch, touch my son, and I will die with you!" Su Nian yelled back in a cold voice: "Lan Ni, did you come here just to want my kidney? Do you dare to do anything to me? I'm dead, you You can only be buried with me, after all, only I can save you in this world."

These words successfully changed Lan Ni's face: "Su Nian, you signed the donation letter, you can't go back on your word."

But Su Nian sneered a few times, then took out a dagger and pointed it at the position of his kidney: "Then you come and try, see if we can survive!"

This successfully changed Huo Linyuan's face, and signaled his people to back off.

Looking at Li Beichen from the side, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that in the previous life, Su Nian had a hope of dying, and only then did he win a chance of life.

"You can't do that."

"Why can't I do this? My life is up to me. Aren't you just waiting for the right kidney? Then I'll pierce these two things. You can't take away the two incomplete kidneys." When Su Nian said this, he stabbed the dagger in his hand a little deeper.

Lan Ni was in chaos.

Su Nian gave the two bodyguards holding Lan Ni a look.

The bodyguard let go of Lan Ya.

Randy fell to the ground all at once.

"If you want to live, then you kowtow and apologize to me now, saying that you should not steal my son, or we will go to see Li Beichen together. He cared so much about you when he was alive. If I can send you down, then Li Beichen Definitely happy!"

What else can Lan Ya do, no one has dignity in the face of life and death.

In this way, Lan Ni was under the coercion of Su Nian.

Kneel and kowtow.

Li Beichen could understand from Su Nian's eyes that she really wanted Lan Ni's life, and at this moment she was trying her best to endure it.

Li Beichen understood what Su Nian was worried about.

She was concerned that Lan Ni was the heroine of this world, if it wasn't for this reason, then Su Nian would definitely kill this woman without hesitation!
After only Su Nian and Mo Bao were left.

All of Su Nian's sanity was gone.

Hold Mo Bao directly and cry.

"I'm really scared to death. If something happens to you, what should I do? Why, why did that Lanya actually set his mind on you? Why."

Li Beichen could feel her fear, her panic.

But he can't do anything.

"Mom, it's okay. I'll be fine. Don't you forget that I'm not an ordinary kid, I'm a genius kid."

Mo Bao patiently comforted his mother.

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