Chapter 580 The Tenth Dream ([-])
Su Nian glanced at the people around, and immediately walked up to Mo Bao again: "What happened, Li Chenmo, talk, what's the matter with you, you're dumb, or what's wrong, you insist Are you anxious to kill me?"

When Su Nian said this, his eyes were full of anger.

This was the first time Li Beichen saw Su Nian get angry.

"Are you really going to piss me off??"

Under Su Nian's words, Mo Bao finally spoke up: "Mom, there's nothing wrong, I'm grown up now, you don't understand."

When he said this, Li Moran put on an annoyed look.

Li Beichen looked at the calligraphy in front of him.

Mo Bao is about 14 years old now, and he is in adolescence.

The boy has indeed reached the rebellious period at this time.

But Su Nian said coldly at this time: "Do you have to ask me to check it myself?" After saying this, Su Nian turned around and walked outside.

Just when Su Nian had just taken a few steps, Mo Bao quickly caught up.

Then Mo Bao told everyone to go out.

When only Su Nian and Mo Bao are left.

Mo Bao told the truth.

It turned out that Mo Bao led people to ambush Lan Ni.

It failed.

When Mo Bao said this, he clenched his hands tightly into fists: "Why, why? I obviously found out. Huo Linyuan drove that woman out. There is no one around her. Why can't I kill her? Why? .”

Li Beichen thought of Mo Bao's efforts after being kidnapped by Lan Ni.

It turned out that he had been preparing since then.

But the next moment, Su Nian slapped Mo Bao directly.

That's right, a slap in the face.

Mo Bao who was slapped was not surprised: "Mom, I have grown up, I will not let you have trouble, I will not let that woman have a chance to hurt you."

"What about you, what should you do if something happens to you? Have you ever thought about what should I do if something happens to you?" When Su Nian said this, tears came down, and he hated Tie Tie immediately. Bao Chenggang slapped him again: "Don't provoke Lan Ni, we can't provoke them, you know?"

"I don't know, that woman bewitched that short-lived ghost, harmed you, even hit you when you gave birth to me, repeatedly harmed you, and kept asking you to give her your kidney! If she doesn't die, then You are always in danger."

"Mom, don't worry, it won't work this time, and next time, I will make that woman pay the price."

When Mo Bao said this, there was cruelty in his eyes.

But Su Nian, who knows the plot of this novel and knows that Lan Ni and Huo Linyuan are the absolute protagonists in this world, of course knows that Mo Bao's behavior is sending him to death.

"You can't do this, Mo Bao, I'm fine, I'm really fine, as long as we stay away from Lan Ya and the others, as long as we don't provoke them, then nothing will happen."

"Mom, I'm really not a child now. If we don't provoke them, will they really let us go? Don't lie to me like that." Mo Bao has no choice but to play the emotional card: "Even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about me. If something happens to you, what should I do? Do you really have the heart to leave me alone in this world?"

"Mom, even if you're not doing it for yourself, then you're doing it for me. If something really happens to you, then what should you do?"

Su Nian didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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