At this time, Mo Bao came to the center of everyone's sight.

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet."

After Mo Bao said this, everyone fell silent.

Then Mo Bao continued in front of everyone's eyes: "Welcome everyone to come to my mother's birthday banquet today, and at the same time, I would like to express my sincere thanks for your coming here.

Now I want to take a moment of your time.

I want to say something to my mother.

Since I came into this world, the first person I met and attached to was my mother.

If it were any other family like ours, they might hand over their children to a nanny and a childcare teacher, but my mother is not like this. No matter how busy she is, she takes care of me herself.

I heard my grandpa once asked why he was so tired. After all, our family can afford the best nanny in the world, but my mother told grandpa that it is impossible for a nanny to give children affection.

In this world, I am her only son and she is also my only mother. "

Following Su Nian, tears came down.

Mo Bao smiled at this time: "I really want to thank her here for giving me complete love and a warm home. Thank you very much, but I have been eighteen since this year. It's the toddler from before, and I'll hold you up for the rest of the day."

After Mo Bao finished speaking, everyone started to applaud.

Mo Bao also walked up to Su Nian amidst the applause.

Su Nian immediately hugged Mo Bao in his arms.

"Thank you mother."

Li Beichen, who was watching from the side, also smiled.

After the banquet is over.

Mo Bao lost his maturity in the eyes of outsiders: "Mom~ I prepared a gift in your room, you must like it, go and have a look."

These words made Su Nian a little curious: "What kind of gift, it's so mysterious."

"Mom, today is your 45th birthday. Of course I have to prepare a mysterious gift for you."

The more Mo Bao said that, the more curious Su Nian became.

And Li Beichen was also curious about what Mo Bao would give his mother.

"Give me some hints, okay?"

When Mo Bao heard this, he paused for a moment: "Well, how can I describe it, it's what you need most, Mom."

most needed?

Su Nian and Li Beichen walked into the room driven by strong curiosity.

But in the room.

Su Nian and Li Beichen's complexions immediately turned dark.

Su Nian even yelled with a dark face: "Li Chenmo, get the hell out of here."

The reason for this is because there was a man on her bed, and he was still tied up, even with a bow in the middle.

Soon Mo Bao walked in with a hippie smile on his face.

"This is the gift you said? What do you want to do?"

"I didn't do anything, I just think you need it now, mom. Don't worry, this man is very clean."

Su Nian really didn't know what to say now, she took a deep breath: "I know you care about mom, but mom really doesn't need this."

Just when Su Nian was about to teach Mo Bao a long story, Mo Bao interrupted: "Mom, if you want to see this uncle, then you should look at it openly, this uncle is a gift prepared for you by myself, so No need to sneak a peek."

Su Nian:! ! ! !

"You brat, who peeked!" Su Nian said with a serious face.

"Mom, you peeked at this uncle at least three times just now."

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