If Mo Bao was looking for a father for himself when he was young, then now that Mo Bao has grown up, he is looking for a male pet for Su Nian.

All kinds of men.

There are polite, coquettish, and pitiful.

Every time she appears in front of Su Nian... she wears very little clothes, um, the kind that wear as little as she can.

Su Nian couldn't bear it.

Find Mobao directly.

And drive people out of the house.

Mo Bao stood at the door, scratching his head a little aggrieved.

He sat down directly on the ground.

He took out his mobile phone and chuckled lightly: "Hey, short-lived father, do you think you have done anything good in your life? You have delayed my mother's life. If you have a little conscience, then you will bless my mother to find someone who is sincere to her." Yes, I will accumulate virtue for you in the next life."

Li Beichen sat beside him.

Only then did Li Beichen discover that Mo Bao had saved his photos in his phone.


In fact, Lu Jing always thought that Su Niannong's company was just for fun.

But he saw that Su Nian and Sun Yinger were seriously managing the company's affairs and planning the company's future.

It's a little restless.

He leaned close to Zhou Xu's ear and whispered, "Is your wife really here?"

Zhou Xu didn't reply, but silently opened the distance between the two.

This kind of behavior made Lu Jing not calm down: "Zhou Xu, what do you mean? I just wanted to say a few words to you. Why are you like this? And what's wrong with me?"

"You're questioning Mrs."

"Shall I question myself?"

Zhou Xu finally turned his head to look at him: "No matter what my wife does, she is very serious, unlike other women."

Seeing Lu Jing like this, Zhou Xu suddenly had an idea.

"I just think that most of the women I know, with an identity like Su Nian, are daughters at home and know how to spend money every day, but these two are different. Now I really think that both of them are better than me. sharp."

Lu Jing couldn't help but sigh now.

Just when Lu Jing sighed, Zhou Xu's voice rang faintly in his ears: "Young Master Lu, Madam and the others must be tired after working for so long. I have a way for them to rest temporarily. relax for a moment."

When Lu Jing heard this, he immediately asked, "What can you do? Tell me quickly. As long as you tell me, I can do anything."

"Really?" Zhou Xu looked at Lu Jing with a half-smile.

Lu Jing nodded firmly.

The next moment, Zhou Xu's voice sounded in the office: "Young Master Lu, you have been with your wife and Ms. Sun for so long, why do you still question them? Could it be that after so long, you haven't seen how outstanding they are."

Hmph, ran to his ear to question Su Nian.

Want to drag him into the water?
I want to make him deduct wages!dream!
After Zhou Xu finished speaking, the two women who were dealing with things looked at Lu Jing instantly.

Lu Jing: ...

Lu Jing smiled: "If I say that Zhou Xu slandered me, then the two aunts, the best aunt and the most beautiful aunt in the world, do you believe it?"

Su Nian and Sun Yinger shook their heads tacitly.

Lu Jing:! ! !
Zhou Xu looked righteous and awe-inspiring: "Young Master Lu, how can you say that, I have been with my wife for so long, as long as my wife speaks, then no matter what I do, I will be the first to rush forward, and I can pay for my wife. life."

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